IF not College bound these days.. then what?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by TeacherMom, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I had asked a friend about what her child did for senior classes, as her kids went to same High School ds wants to go to next year, she said they were not College bound just looking to get requirements and that was it.
    I was shocked, this woman is highly intellegent and in a high level business job... So I would have expected her to have encouraged her kids to seek out colleges...
    is this not just what you do?
    You go to school, then go to college to get a good job that will pay for your home car and family some day? I mean isn't that what its all about?

    If your kids are not going to college what are they planning to do?
  3. southernmom

    southernmom New Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    My oldest went to college but didn't finish. While he was in high school he worked for his history teacher who had a landscaping business. He decided to come home and work for him full-time. At this point in time he could easily go into business for himself (he is the irrigation specialist for the business.) He has also been offered a job with a top outfit in Atlanta. He has no desire to leave our area. Middle son worked at place after high school for awhile before he got into an apprenticeship program with the Insulators local. He really wanted to get into an apprenticeship program in the Electricians Local and patience and persistence paid off and he is in his second year with them. They both worked at a local gas/service station while they were in high school and they were always known as being dependable and kids you could call on to help with odd jobs in the community - hauling hay, helping pour a driveway, cleanup after a major windstorm (we had so many people calling wanting the oldest to help them then that if we could have cloned him and sent him out we would have been rich LOL.)
  4. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    My eldest thinks she wants to be a chef, so she would go to culinary school, I think.

    I guess that college helps, but it is not always necessary. I know for me, prior to getting married/having kids, I worked for a company where knowing the job and the company, etc...had nothing to do with college and they paid me REALLY well...as a matter of fact when my college graduate sister found out I was earning more than she was, she was TICKED.

    My husband did not go to college either (well, he went a few semesters...but mostly for the partying at the time). Everything he knows/and how he got his jobs in the last 10 years are all based on what he self-taught himself (User Interface Architect - something in the Web Industry basically). And he is BEGGED by headhunters almost daily to leave his job to go to places they have picked for him....he's a very rare commodity in his field. SO...anyway...He makes a good living (and if we were better stewards it would show! LOL :D)

    So....you can do very well, and succeed even if you don't go to college.
  5. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Well actually my kids don't want to attend college right away after graduating high school. They want to work for a year and then go. Fortunately my kids have very good jobs right now that make that possible.

    My dh did not attend college straight from high school but did attend college a couple years out of high school and got his degree. He turned out fine!

    I don't think college is for everyone and it is up to my kids what they want to do after they graduate. I can prepare them and encourage them and it is ultimately up to them. I don't think whether or not they attend college right out of high school defines them as individuals nor does it define whether or not they are successful.

    I think my kids will turn out just fine too!
  6. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    That isn't what it is all about to me. But it is to most people. I didn't go to college and my husband didn't go to college and neither did my father. Actually my husband didn't finish high school and my father didn't even go to high school at all. They are both self employed successfull business owners.

    I will encourage my kids to attend college if that is what they want to do. But first and foremost I will encourage my kids to do what makes them happy. Find something they love and see if they can make a living at it. Samantha loves to dance and wants to own her own studio some day. She could go to college but wouldn't need to.

    I think that so many times people spend four years and many thousands of dollars only to get a degree and a job they don't really like all that much all to pay for that big car or house. Then they can't wait for the weekend to roll around and then they can't wait to retire. I just think life is a lot better when you love what you do. Of course if my kid wants to be a doctor or lawyer then of course college is the way to go. But I certainly don't think it is something someone should do just because it is what society expects.
  7. southernmom

    southernmom New Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    I guess I'm odd. It ticks me off that some people who have a "piece of paper" get paid more solely because of that. I know there are certain things that you have to go to college to do. But on the other hand I've seen many who have gone to college and really didn't have the practical sense to do the job they trained for - they had plenty of book knowledge but not the least amount of how to actually do the job. I used to do accounts payable and payroll for a company. When I decided to leave before I had my first child my boss hired a college grad to replace me. She had a degree in business and put forth herself as having knowledge of what was really just basic bookkeeping. The second day I was training her I could tell that she seemed extremely hesitant about some things. She finally had to tell me she had no idea how to use an adding machine/calculator. For pete's sake I learned how to do that in business classes in high school. I never went to college. How hard could it be? Needless to say she didn't last long as a matter of fact when she quit they called me to come back to work until they could find someone else to replace her.
  8. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    okay I should state that just for the record, my dh went to Community College and got his AS and is doing fairly well with that, and I know us as adults now are not in the generation of technology as much, but I thought with tomorrows jobs, when my children will be out in the world, most things that pay enough to live well enough on you would need college for.
    I did not realise people could run a business wiht otu a business class in college? My brother and father had to take courses in order to get thier lisence to run thier own business.... guess in some states its not like that.
    I had always wanted to take the college courses to become a Cruise director/ travel agent , or Journalist, so those were things I had to take classes in. Then when I ended up landing a job as a preschool/day care teacher they made me go back to college.. so you see I just figured everyone would make you do that if you were not going to work as a sales clerk or in construction work, though I know even in that you have to take courses now days. For my brother's possition as a forman he has to know all kinds of skimatics and such about topography etc. He is in the construction field... dewatering and subgrade construction.
    I know there are the little School of such and such, that are considered College in my book, trade schools also are, so I guess what I took it to mean was that they had no clue what they wanted to be when they 'grew up' when they left high school...

    So maybe Hijacking my own thread I will make my question more clear.... do your kids know what they want to do when they grow up?
  9. southernmom

    southernmom New Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    LOL now that I can tell you for the youngest. We were just talking about that the other day. He'll be 14 in July. Anyway, he was telling me that his middle brother (the one in the apprenticeship program) told him he didn't have all the time in the world to decide what he wanted to do and he needed to be really thinking about it. On the other hand, Aaron said that dh told him he still had plenty of time and not to worry about not knowing what he wanted to do. So he asked me what I thought. I told him that it was really some of both. He was getting to the age that he needs to be thinking about it but not worrying about it.
  10. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Ann, I was really surprised that people still have aprentiship programs even, that is so cool! I had not heard of those untill this year even since the days of the settlers, so I am glad things like that still exist!
    Is it like in the old days when they work for free, or is it more like OJT?I should say also that my kids want to be.. The oldest- pastor + Computer Graphic/movie producer or back ground work in tech dept for special effects design. dd- Home Interior design or clothing designer ( she wants there to be cool looking clothes that cover you properly!) and youngest wants to be Archetech, so you can see why I was thinking College for the boys, and trade college for the dd
  11. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I do not have a degree in business but I/we own a very successful business. My kids do not have a degree in business and have not graduated from high school yet but they also own a very successful business.

    Having a college degree doesn't define "who" you are!

    As far as your latest question, I think my kids want to be like everyone else, successful individuals who contribute to society which they are currently doing.
  12. mamamuse

    mamamuse New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    My 10 y.o. Zach is loving homeschool so much; he says he only wants to go to college if it can be done at home! :lol:

    I don't know what he's going to do. It changes by the day. He's always been really interested in vehicles, engines, etc. and loves driving things and tinkering with stuff. So he thinks it would be fun to be a mechanic (technical school that can't really be done at home)...but he also thinks it would be really cool to design cars (college).

    But, some days he wants to join the Navy or Air Force and become a pilot.

    It was always really important to me for my kids to go to college, but now that I see Zach might not be interested, I'm really OK with it if he chooses a different route. As others have mentioned, I know plenty of inventive, well-off people who have made their own way without a degree.

    DH and I met at college but neither of us are using our degrees in graphic arts. He learned carpentry as a Navy Seabee, and has always been a computer genius...those ended up morphing into a computer-based job as a planner. He coordinates building projects for the National Guard.

    I've turned my love of writing into a career in journalism, without having taken anything beyond the basic English classes I had in college (something that's probably evident in my everyday, unpolished posts! LOL). I've had a column in my local newspaper for over two years and often write feature stories for them as well. I have been nationally published, freelance for magazines and have been featured in a documentary. I run a successful website, and am working on three books.

    I don't say any of that to brag, but just to chime in that it's possible to find success in a career without having a degree in that field. I don't make anywhere near enough from it to live on...but with young kids, that isn't my goal at the moment anyway.

    I have no idea what my younger son will grow up to become...his wishes change by the hour. Fortunately for him, he's one of those people that's just naturally gifted in a lot of areas. I'll support him, whatever he decides.
  13. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Okay, I didn't mean to make anyone upset, I just wanted to know if I was being influenced by old fashioned thinking or if it was real in the real world that people could still get good jobs without college, I have been enfluenced by the Television I am afraid and am sorry if it came otu sounding rude or anything.
    I have just been told since my kids were little that we needed to save for a college education, I see on tv from all the stations comercials frome veyr trade college out there to get a job you need, yada yada, but I was wondering cause I know my dad did ot have a college education, he took the one class like I said to get a business lisence, but thats all and he had a good business going. My brother now has to take classes to keep up with the information of his feild, but I guess I was thinking the only way to get a good carreer chance in life was college.
    I grew up basically poor for most of my life so my mind set is a bit off, I don't mean to sound rude though so please forgive me if that is how it came out.
    I dont think anyone less if they dont go to college, I just thought that was what we were supposed to do, if we could afford to.... that kind of thing.
    Glad to hear that life is still what we make it and not what some money hungry person makes it sound like, WHEW!
  14. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I don't think you've upset anyone with any of your thoughts or questions. At least I didn't see anything that way.

    My husband didn't need to do anything but get a loan and buy equipment to start his business. He had worked in the field since he was 18 and so he knew what he was doing. He didn't need to take a class or pass a test to do it.

    My husband and I also own an RV and boat storage facility. Nothing to that but to have money to invest and land to put it on and just do it.

    My father did have to take and pass a state exam for HVAC. He got the book, studied, took the test, passed and opened his own air conditioning business. All that without even a high school education.

    Now to your other question. Grace is only 5 so she probably wants to be a super hero or something cute like that. Samantha wants to dance. It is her passion! She would like to try to dance professionally and own her own studio to teach.
  15. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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  16. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    And I'll make sure she sends you all tickets to her first performance!!
  17. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    No problem! :love:
  18. southernmom

    southernmom New Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    It's OTJT. They actually work for a business and they have class once a week. I think entire program is a 4 year program and they have to sign an agreement that they will work and stay in the Local for a certain amount of time or they will have to make a monetary payback. He has insurance and also puts into retirement. Actually his benefits are really good. The first summer he was in the program he had a skiing accident and was off work for about 6 to 8 weeks and he qualified for short-term disability payments through the local.
  19. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I wasn't offended! :D I hope my response didn't reflect that I was.

  20. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Well, we sadly live in a society where a silly piece of paper does mean something. I did not finish college and neither did my dh. However, for my dh to get promoted beyond the point he is...he must be degreed...at least at that company. My dh does want to finish and so do I, so that isn't a big deal. I started my degree so I want to make all those loans worth it...LOL.

    I told my dd that if she didn't go to college she would have to be my nanny for awhile. LOL. Honestly, if my kids do not go to college I really don't know what to expect. My kids are 10, 8 and almost 3, so I have some time and so do they. I want them to be focused and have options in life so I do perfer they get some type of education after high school. From what I have read and I may be wrong...I am sick and coughing...LOL...seems I am a bit odd because I really want my kids to attend college. I just want them to have options in life. Not having a degree has made things a bit difficult for me and my dh. He could have stayed at his company and been in a better position with a degree. Maybe that is silly that a degree can do that but that's life. My dh's company is very stable and no lay offs and great health care so that is why he is focused on staying with them. I feel I could have done more to help provide for my family with a degree. Maybe I am dillusional. LOL.

    Now as far as what my kids want to be when they grow up....hmmmm....

    Olivia (10): wants to work with animals in some way but isn't sure which offers the least amount of time in school without being the person to sweep the poo. NO KIDDING! LOL. She is not a school kind of gal! LOL. Although she is bright and does well, she can take school or leave it. lol

    Aaron (8): a professional football player. LOL. He is even planning his college around a good team. lol. Beyond that he has expressed no real interest in a career. Most careers he thinks of are miliary, or some type of sport or a martial artist. Yep, he's active.

    Alyssa (3, in May!): a princess....well, does it count if she already thinks she is? LOL.

    I do plan on introducing my kids to more and more careers as time goes on so they can plan out their studies and get focused and excited about some type of field.
  21. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    My oldest went to community college and got his two year degree in criminal justice after taking a year off to work after high school. He is a cop now and loves it. Our twins went to Appalachian State University and one is a social worker and really doesn't love it while the other is a high school teacher and seems happy with what she does. Our next son is mentally handicapped. He would love to be a professional wrestler. Enough about that! The next one is planning on working and going to community college to be a police officer like his dad and big brother. Our next one is 15 and would like to work in daycare someday. Our baby is 9 and doesn't know yet what she wants to do. Mostly she just wants to stay home with us.

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