Am I being too sensitive?

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Actressdancer, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    They do because they are considering the mohawk "grunge." Aside from the fact that it is not completely subjective and anything any teacher deems a distraction will be out.
  2. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    One of my classmates, I think it might have been in the summer before junior year, did her hair very very blonde over the summer (there was no going blue or magenta or whatever back then, and even if we'd had those colors, our parents would have killed us, so blonde or red was about it). A couple of weeks before school was to start, she decided to dye it back to her natural dark brown. Huh-UH! It wouldn't change! Not one iota! Tried twice! So she decided to try black! Well, the yellow in the blonde and the blue in the black dye combined to make GREEN! Like the grass, green! She ended up having to get a very short hair cut, and have it professionally done but it still had tinges of green here and there when she started school.... (we thought it was cool!)
  3. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Honestly, aside from wash-ins (read:semi-permanent, wash out in 28 ish washing types) I've only ever dyed my hair magenta. I've always been too chicken to do a real dye job all over my hair. Is that odd? I mean, I can handle a bright magenta stripe, but not the commitment of a full on dye of a natural red or black or something. Yeah, ok, that is odd.

    Actually, I had to go back and have that magenta stripe fixed two days after I had it done. The pic was taken after the second time. The first time, the girl stripped out the color from a much larger patch of hair than she put new color back in, so I had big bits of goldish colored hair that hadn't been redyed. Thankfully, the second girl was able to do it right. And of course, they didn't charge me for the redo.
  4. Snipet

    Snipet New Member

    Sep 8, 2009
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    Our cover school has class days 2 times a month and we meet at the church that the school is based through. The only issues that have cropped up since we have been there was a totally goth family. Since it is a church based homeschool group and the classes are held in the church, they were asked not to dress goth when they attended the classes. They refused to adhere to the dress code and were confronted about it several times before they were asked to leave. We still have people with colored hair, multiple piercings, and unusual dress habits - all within acceptable ranges. However, if they up and changed something in the middle of the year I would be upset as well and would request a refund of the money for the remainder of the year (if I had already paid it) and leave to find another co-op. I like homeschooling because it doesn't stifle a childs creativity or their uniqueness. It doesn't try to churn out clones of conformity like all the public schools.
  5. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Snipet - I'm just curious - and I said I would stay away from this topic (and I know many of you wish I would go away for good because I am different but that ain't happening) but I do have a question - what is it about "goth" that is the problem? Is there something sinster about it that i am not aware of? If colored hair and mulitple peircings are acceptable there must be something different about full out goth that hits a cord with certain folks. I know a lot of folks here have issues with me and my opinions and that is cool - I have issues with them too - but this questions is sincere so don't you all get your undies in a bunch. I'm not "up to date" with the fashion scene at all so is goth sometime that is considered evil? Is it like devil worshiping or what? I was grunge back in the early 90s but have no experience with goth.

    Thanks in advance for your response.
  6. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Full-out goth can have pentagrams and I can understand that not wanted at a church ;)

    I went to school with 5000 kids - yep that's the correct # of zeros.... in the 80's.... can you imagine the hair height!! Plus we had multiple colors, goth, and tons of other "stuff" going on. We still all got an education - and apparently some of the people who were "creative" back then are doing just fine as I can tell on Facebook....

    Now - I have the temp colors for hair - I used to spike my kids hair different colors and even would write words in their hair for stuff going on. I love to "play with hair" - IT'S FUN!!! And I bet my daughter would love those magenta color blocks on her hair....

    I don't think they should change the rules once you paid. Seriously.... that's just goofy. I have multiple piercings - 2 earrings..... big whoop - I've had the dang things since I was 18! I wear jewelry - why? My dh bought the stuff for me and dang it I plan on wearing it - every piece has a meaning to me. They should say "starting next semester" instead and continue.

    So how many kids have dropped? More than the large family has?
  7. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I graduated in '96, so I was in HS at the height of the goth and grunge stuff. And my graduating class was 986, so you can imagine that there were plenty of kids 'round every corner who were, shall we say, interesting in their appearance. But, as it's already been mentioned, after that first initial "what the heck?", we all got over it and ceased to be phased.

    I didn't get a chance to really take count yesterday, but the three families that I know for sure totalled 5 kids. There were at least two more families considering dropping, but I don't know if they did (or if anyone else did). However, our waiting list this year is huge, so I'm sure it's no skin off anyone's nose, since there were plenty of other kids just waiting to fill those spots.

    Here's what I think I'm going to do:
    Write a letter detailing my displeasure. I'll keep my kids in at least for this year. Here's why... My 5 year old will get over it as far as not being able to dye his hair. I'll use a temp dye or something that will last a day or two, so as far as he's concerned I won't be breaking my promise.

    I just know that if I pull my boys, the only ones who will be hurt or even affected will be my children. They love it and I can't find any other co-op that has an opening (that was my back up plan if I did pull them).

    I am also going to dye my hair some funky color (I'm thinking blue highlights this time) before my next parent helper day. I've been wanting to anyhow, but this way I'm doing it for a reason. A minor protest, if you will.

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