your opinion

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Anonymous, Jul 18, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

    Jun 19, 2004
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    I wanted to know you opinion on Pagan religions. I have been reading through your sites post and I'm not too sure I would be welcome here. I am a (pagan) homeschooler and I would really like to find some other homeschooling mothers, but it is hard to find a place that is open minded enough to deal with. Most groups I have come across are very narrow minded and hostile towards me. :(

    Thanks ahead of time for your opinion,

  3. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Hi Susan,
    Welcome to the forum. I'm sure as you look around you'll find all kinds of neat ideas that you may not have come up with on your own, or you may be able to share some with others too. You will find a lot of home schooling parents here who have a wealth of ideas and experiences to share with others. You will also find these people to be very friendly.

    Amanda has done a really good job in setting this forum up so that we could all come here and benefit from it without toes being trampled on and users feeling isolated or unwanted.

    As for spiritual issues, we try to be respectful of others and most of the time we try to stay out of specific systems (we do talk about curriculum and that kind of thing in the home school thread) because it has been a source of conflict in the past and feelings were unintentionally hurt. This is a learning process for all of us...

    I had debated all evening whether to reply to this or not because I didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression of what I'm trying to say. Please understand that I mean no harm to anyone by posting this reply. The only difference I see between you and I (or anyone else who doesn't share my faith ) is that we have a different belief system, but that doesn't make either of us any better than the other. This shouldn't be a barrier and I really hope that you will stay around and meet new people, make friends and be able to share ideas with others like you want to.

    I believe when Amanda set up the home school thread, it was put there so that we could talk about anything that had to do with home schooling issues. If there are Christian related issues (ie prayer requests, etc), we tend to post them in that thread. The off topic thread would be for all other issues (like behavioral isses, etc). Amanda is also very open to new suggestions.


  4. Earthy

    Earthy New Member

    May 4, 2004
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    Homeschooling is a joy! Is the curriculum of your own choosing in your state? It is in mine, which I like. Take care. :D
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Hi, Susan!

    While homeschooling is certainly not limited to Christians, there are MANY Chrisitan homeschoolers here. Our religion is very important to us, as I am sure yours is to you, and many of us consider it a vital part of our homeschooling. As such, it is very difficult for us to seperate it out from what we say. So you may find that there are some that disagree with you simply because of the extremes of both of our beliefs. I am NOT saying this to tell you to "Go Away!" or any such thing; more to let you know up front what to expect. I, for one, have not problem with an opinion different from mine and find them mentally stimulating, as it helps me to further define my beliefs. Nor will anyone try to convince you of the "error of your ways" here. If you have any questions concerning curriculum, you might want to mention right off that you are not looking for anything religious in nature. Many of us are familiar with both secualr and religious materials and can suggest both, so it would give us guidelines as to what you're looking for.
  6. Kathe

    Kathe New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Hi Susan !!! :D

    My personal opinion is that what we all have in common is homeschooling. I try NOT to incorporate my doctrinal beliefs into what I have to say, unless someone has specifically asked a question based on religious beliefs.

    I don't see why anyone would be hostile to you on any forum unless your posts were of a nature that you were proselytizing overtly ... in which case it wouldn't matter WHO was doing it, it would be inappropriate here.

    I hope we can all learn something from each other about HOMESCHOOLING on a regular basis, without having to drag religion into it. There are many religions/belief systems represented by the ladies here, and if any of us were to shun others on THAT basis, it would severely stifle the purpose of this forum.

    Again, Welcome !!! Please stay. May we ALL benefit from our collective HOMESCHOOLING experience.

  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Hi Susan!

    Please stay. I, too, am Pagan (Wiccan) & have had only good experiences on this board. Everyone is very friendly & helpful. You'll glean quite a bit of good information here. While spirituality will sometimes be evident in a post, it's only because that for very many homeschoolers, it is an intregal part of their life & learning. Don't let that scare you off. I think we all hope to see you here on a regular basis!

  8. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Well said Paula...
    Susan, I really hope you'll stick around, visit more often and benefit from these forums. The people here are awesome, informative and have lots and lots of good advice and experience to share.

    Please don't leave

  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Thank you for the welcome. I have actually been reading a lot of what has been going on and I have seen both sides of the issue.

    I haven't gotten back here because my life is a bit nuts right now. I just switched internet providers since my old one kept on crashing and it is time for me to get back into my college course (bachelor degree here I come?) and get my kids back into their studies. Plus (drumroll.....) at the ripe old age of 31 I got a beginners permit to learn to drive. Climb on your roofs folks I have no clue what to do, but my husband is more than happy to teach me :lol: . Plus I am trying to get used to my new glasses, my vision test was quite humerous I didn't have my glasses and it took every rounded letter in the alphabet to get to the right letter before I was cleared to take my test. The letter was C.

    As far as my curriculum I am in control of what my children do 100%. I am going completely outside of our school district because quite honestly they can't handle what they have in front of them.

    As far as my religion being a part of my teaching my children it does play a factor in that I am very earth based in my beliefs. I teach my children to be respectful to all living things even if they don't appear living at the moment you encounter them. All life is special and it should be respected. People are living too and they should be giving the respect they deserve no matter what they station in this life. But in the same instant with people respect has to be earned to a degree.

    I will treat everyone I meet with total respect and I expect, demand, the same in return. If I am disrespected I will react and at times it isn't pretty (working on that one). I know there are many misconceptions of the religion I follow but trust me if you were to meet me on the street you would never know. I look and act just like everyone else.

    :D :D Susan
  10. TinaTx

    TinaTx New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Hi Susan........

    Forgive me for posting so late, but I don't really like this *off topic* section of this forum since there is really nothing OFF topic when it comes to HOME + SCHOOLING...

    Homeschooling includes everything that affects us at home. Life + education...So I probably won't be posting much here for you other gals :wink:

    ....Yes, I might get on my *soap box* here, but it won't be the first time. :p I think by posting here, so many threads are kept separate that do affect our everyday life and learning....such as Susan's post :wink: How can we possibly engage in any stimulating conversation as Jackie said?

    No, we don't GO to school. THEN come home and have a life. Thats for ps teachers, not home educators.....EVERYTHING is open for my children, and MYSELF to learn, including Susan's post.

    I personally welcome you Susan. :D Yes, respect does have to be earned to a degree, but not always. :wink: Respect should be given for the mere fact that you are a person entitled to their decision. This fact alone, no matter whether your beliefs are in agreement or conflict with mine. That is irrelevant. :wink: Each life has an inherent right to respect, whether that person calls me a *low down sorry scoundrel or not* LOL or whether they might happen to be one. LOL BTW which I know not any on this board. :lol:

    Again, the one thing that is the glue for us is that we all agree homeschooling is the best way of education. That unites us, not divides us.

    Yes, we will *go back and forth* on some subjects, and no it won't be pretty at times, :shock: but we'll all be stimulated and learn, which is what homeschooling is all about.

    So please speak right up, stick around and enjoy! Again, a big welcome to you! :D

  11. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Hi, Susan. I'm jumping in late as well. Actually I've been reading and just wanted to second most of the sentiments expressed already. I think you will find our board to be a warm, caring, nurturing environment and I sincerely hope you feel welcome here. We have our disagreements from time to time, but it seems that passionate people are prone to such conversation :wink: . However, we seem to be quick to appologize when those heated moments take place (don't ask me how I know that....just trust me :wink: ). With that said.....don't be shy! Post away!
  12. moondancer7825

    moondancer7825 New Member

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Hi Susan,

    I'm fairly new to this board and am Wiccan as well. I haven't noticed any problems with different beliefs on the boards. Now finding a local homeschool group maybe a different story. My personal suggestion when finding a homeschool group in your area is to not say anything about your personal religion and just nod your head and smile. Pretty much though I keep my religion out of my children's education. I figure when they enter junior high or high school we will do some in depth research into the different religions and allow the children to decide on their own what is best for them. They're allowed to go to church with their friends if they want to and have been many times. In fact my dh is Episcapalian (sp?). We do do alot of nature related activities but that can be seen as science and taking care of your environment.

    Anyways went a little off the point there. The point was I don't see that you would have a problem on here like you might in your hometown. Your very welcome to stay on here and I hope to see you around more.

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