tricycles dont fly...

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Connie, Oct 22, 2006.

  1. Connie

    Connie New Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    an obvious statement? aparently not around here!
    as you may know we just recently moved into a new house, and for the first time in our younger kids lives (since the littlest two have been walking and before) we have stairs inside our house.. weve had stairs going up to our apartment before but they were never played around, now we have a set of stairs inthe house and i have been very careful to keep one of those self closing baby gates in both ends of the stiarwell to keep the kids safe but i diddnt think about the wide steps, too wide for any kind of gate, off the side of the back porch..its 5 steps down to a patio and then 3 more concrete steps to the yard...well today ds 4 was sitting on his tricycle scooting back and forth wile i was sitting where i thought i could stick my leg out and stop him if he got too colose to the stairs. ds4 has downs syndrome and autism and has not shown any intrist in making the trike go anywhere, just rocking back and forth on it... all of a sudden out of absolutly no where he took off from 15 feet away peddeling like a my knowladge he has never actually peddeled the bike forward before... and hit the opening to the stairs and kept on going... poor kido hit the patio, fliped over and got both concrete steps with his face... i feel so terrible about it but it was all over before i even realized what had happened! he has a big knot on his forhead and he knocked a tooth out and cut his lip pretty badly... dr says no stitches though, thank goodness! hes usually a tough little guy but today all he has done is slept and cried, i feel so terrible for him... bad mommy!
  3. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Oh that poor baby, Know you aren't a bad mommy they are so fast and quick it doesn't take long for them. Give him a few extra hugs and rock in the rocking chair. I hope he is feeling better soon.
  4. Jennifer R

    Jennifer R Active Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Connie, I wouldn't take it as a "bad Mommy" thing but as a little boy doing a little boy thing. My ds son, who is now 19, had 6 sets of stitches before he turned 6! Part of his problem is his skin doesn't close together with a cut, so some cuts needed more than it may for someone else. He was into everything, walked at 9mo and loved to climb. When he was 3, I had a sitter that was wonderful but had her hands full with him as well. We actually would go over his bruises at the beginning and end of the day so we could both account for his bruises. When he was about the same age I got a call at work to meet my hubby at the e.r. that one of my kids had hit the other in the head. The only two home at the time were him and my 6mo old and the house was empty as we were in the process of moving to larger quarters. My dh wasn't in the room and had no clue what happened but my ds had a huge knot on his head and a cut that required stiches. The next day I got the story out of my son that he had attempted to stand on the tray of the walker his sister was in and in the process did a nose dive off the walker! My brother was 5 when he broke his arm trying to do gymnastics off the swing set!

    All you can do is make sure you are there, TRY to catch them before they fall and pick them up and kiss the hurts when they do happen. Also savor the knowledge that your child did something so unexpected!
  5. AmyU

    AmyU New Member

    May 15, 2006
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    Connie, just wanted to send BIG HUGS to you and your ds. Sometimes things happen and boys will be boys.
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    ABSOLUTELY!!! Hugs to you and this little guy!!! None of us are "quick enough" at times like this. Am so glad it wasn't more serious!
  7. bunnytracks

    bunnytracks New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    (((hugs))) Poor baby! You are not a bad mother!
    If it makes you feel better I had to take my son Brandon (2yrsold) to the ER a few weeks ago. I was making pancakes and he wanted more. He used the bench in my kitchen to climb try and climb the counter. The bench fell over and somehow landed on his toe. It split his tow open. He had to have an ortho surgeon put it back together. I felt like one bad momma that day.
  8. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Accidents happen, no matter how diligent we are!!

    I broke my youngest's finger by shutting the sliding van door on it. :( So ...I've done a "bad mama" thing, too.
  9. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Wow, I could write a small book on accidents my kids have had. Especially Bill. He had to go to the doctor so many times when he was little that I was glad they knew us well. It started to look like we were beating him. He ran into everything and had to have stitches several times. He doesn't feel pain like most people do so he would have broken fingers and not know it. He is still pretty much that way. He feels the pain but just doesn't react to it much. He fell down the cement steps at his high school football field a few weeks ago and scared us all to death but he just had scrapes and bruises and a bump on his head. I felt like a terrible mother that evening for sure. He is a great kid but just has these accidents. I have just learned to stay calm and deal with it when it happens.
  10. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Sometimes things happen so fast that we can't stop them. When Emma lost her finger, Handsome and I felt so guilty because if the idea even crossed our mind we could have stopped it. For many weeks I was so depressed because I kept thinking that God gave her 10 perfect fingers and because I didn't do something right, now she has nine. Handsome cried for many days but the worst was when the ortho removed the bandages and we could see the finger was black. We had such an awesome church family that came and visited with us and prayed for us. They all told us that it was not our fault but for the time we felt so sick about it and seen how we could have prevented it but I also know that we can't live by could have or should have because they do not exist. We always feel confident with our parenting until something happens then we question ourselves but really shouldn't because there is no way we can protect our children 100% of the time even if we try our hardest. There will always be something we can't see.
    I hope you are feeling better and that your child is too.
    God bless.
  11. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    Sorry that happened. I hope he is doing better now.

    Patty, How did Emma loose her finger?

  12. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Handsome had found an old exercise bike on the way home from church. It was outside the wall of a storage unit. The man told him anything outside the wall has been thrown out because people didn't pay the bill so he can have it if he wanted it. It was a really old one and did not have the protective cover over the chain and sprocket. So one day Ems was playing right next to the bike in the living room and I was on my way into the kitchen to help Handsome with dinner when we heard her scream this blood curdling scream. Somehow she placed her hand on the chain and must have leaned against the peddle because her whole hand was twisted and caught under the top metal frame thing. I am not sure what is called. She had two other breaks as well but the finger was the main injury. I thought her finger was cut off but the doctor said it was pinched off and the lower part was ripped off when her hand twisted when it went around.
  13. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Patty, that is so sad. Glad she is doing better. Yes, I could write a book about my youngest one and all the wonderful doctors we been too.
  14. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    I'm sorry to hear about your son's accident. You might want to get him a helmet if he will wear it. I hope he gets better soon. I know you feel bad all good mom's do. Maybe you need a baby gate at the top of your deck?
  15. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Wow, poor little boy! But, as the others have said, these things DO happen! At least you saw him peddle the bike, so he made a forward step in his life! :)

    We will pray for him and you!

    Patty, that must have been so scary! Blessings to you too!
  16. appleOmyeye

    appleOmyeye New Member

    Oct 7, 2006
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    I'm so sorry to hear about the trike accident. But I have a hunch ANY mom could testify w/ at least one story of how incidents happen faster than we are prepared for or can react.

    On a rare visit to TN, my dad (who was not supportive of homeschooling at first, but seems to be coming around) and I were sitting on a bench at the playground watching my dd(then 6 or 7) as she was swinging. She was out of earshot and could not hear our conversation. My dad was talking about how proud of her he was and I was agreeing and saying how thankful I was for such a wonderful child, sweet, fun, trustworthy, compassionate, obedient, careful ... always knowing the right thing to fact she's never even tried to jump out of a swing! Do you know what she did at that VERY moment? Mind you, she could not hear me. Fortunately she wasn't hurt. Needless to say, I was shocked, but my dad just laughed. I guess he knows a thing or two about kids and their doings. LOL!:lol:
  17. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Thanks!!!:D :D
  18. Connie

    Connie New Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    just a quick update, took noah to the dentist today and he was able to glue some fake teeth ends to the parts that he broke off, so now he doesnt look snaggle toothed when he smiles!!! itll take a little time for the scrapes and bruises to heal, but now that the teeth are taken care of im not nearly as worried!!
  19. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    That's great! I didn't know that was an option. I had a friend whose 2yo ran into the coffee table and knocked 2 of his front teeth out. Her dentist said nothing could be done except a kiddie partial. That was WAY out of their budget, so he just went without teeth! It kind of fit his rough-and-tumble personality.
  20. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Connie, so glad he is looking better, I hope and pray he is feeling better. Give him a hug from us.
  21. Connie

    Connie New Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    our insurance covered it as medicaly neccicary because his speach therispist said that it would be a major set back if he had to relearn all the sounds he has allready learned

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