Tell us about your & your husband's first date

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by P.H., Jun 11, 2007.

  1. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Tiffany and Krista's anniversaries this weekend made me think how much fun it would be to tell about our and our husbands' first dates with each other.

    Ours was to a college Christmas banquet, which was a highlight of the year and every freshman girl's dream to be invited to. I was thrilled to be going with the most handsome guy in college and wore the formal which I had made for the highschool senior banquet the year before.

    People celebrated in dignified style around other tables, while at our table, the lids on the salt and pepper shakers fell off onto the food people were trying to salt or pepper, and water glasses were tipped over, necessitating the rapid reflex of yanking up the plastic table cloth in front of one's self, in order to form a trough to catch the water so that said water would not run out onto our laps.

    At some point, I became aware of bright lights bearing down upon our particular table and recognized one of the foreign students behind a movie-projector-type camera. (You younger ones will have no recollection of movie-making before video cameras.) The ruckus at our table was all a set-up for this person's assignment to make a humorous film from an American college campus.

    I'm sure it was hilarious!

    From his point of view.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2010
  3. Jennifer R

    Jennifer R Active Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Wow! Yours was definitely different than mine!! Our first date we were both attired in Army camo! He had missed his flight to Germany and his unit was already out in the field in Denmark so he ended up attached to our Mess Hall doing KP(kitchen patrol). I remember him washing dishes in the steel drums and asking me out for coffee which I told him I don't drink but we ended up going out for sodas. I laugh that we did things backward-we met and got married in Denmark and then came to the states on our honeymoon. I still laugh at myself that I didn't realize his name was just Roland because with his Belize accent he pronounced it more like Roll-ond. To this day (we met in 83) I still occasionally have to ask him to repeat something!
  4. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Our first date almost never happened. Freddy and I had been friends for a while. He and I had study hall together but he dated a friend of mine. They broke up and one day not long after he asked me to a movie. I said yes but the night before the movie date he went out with a girl from our church. In fact she was in my Sunday School class but she was a year older than me. When I found out he had taken her out I felt strange about going out with him and was going to call and cancel the date but my best friend's mother convinced me to go on and go out with him. She reminded me that we were just going to the movies and to go on as friends if nothing else. Well the funny thing is he took the other girl to see Love Story and it was a double date with the girls best friend and her boyfriend. The other girl started talking about the prom which was coming up and wouldn't it be fun to go as a foursome and blah blah blah. Somehow he ended p asking the girl from my church to go to the prom. Then the next night we went to a movie and we went to see, are you ready for this?, The Aristocats! We had a blast. We laughed and talked afterward and before he left that night he kissed me. Then he said something I didn't get at first and it almost ruined everything. He said, "I think I have made a terrible mistake." I thougth he meant by kissing me. He meant, but didn't say, asking the other girl to the prom. So the next morning we are in Sunday School and the other girl says they are going to go to the prom together. She wasn't mean about it but her friend kept talking about it and I was crushed. But he called me and asked me out again. This time he explained what had happened and how bad he felt about it. He offered to call her and break the date to the prom and later on she offered to not go with him. But her parents told her she had to go alone if she did that. I felt bad for her. So from then until the prom we dated every weekend and on the night of the prom he took her. After the prom we dated every chance we had and when school was out for the year we were so crazy we got married in August of that year. I was 16 and he was 18. I guess it worked out okay. The other girl got married and has kids. Her friend married the guy she was dating and had three kids and divorced and they both remarried. And Freddy and I will be married 36 years on August 22. Seven kids we adore and 2 grandsons plus our grandboy we babysit four days a week. I didn't mention that he never asked me to marry him. One day he just said we were going to get married and I knew he was right. My parents were married at 18 and 16 also. I am so glad that so far none of our kids haven't wanted to do that!
  5. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Mine's different too, because my dh and I met through our church's computer dating service! I was at a Navajo Mission in New Mexico, and he was working in the San Francisco area. I loved the way he wrote, and he liked that I wrote neatly and spelled things correctly! :lol: We wrote to each other for 6 months before we met.

    I was heading to Redding, CA for Christmas at my sister's house. He was brave enough to drive up and meet me there on Christmas morning. I told him to stop somewhere when he got in town and call, so I could go meet him first, without everyone else around. See, my rother-in-law's parents and two sisters, and my parents were all at my sister's house as well. My sister had two children, ages 7 and 5, at the time. Everyone knew that this guy was going to call, so all morning as we opened presents they were giving me these sly glances and grins. We'd finished opening presents when the phone rang. EVERYBODY just automatically turned and looked at me! My nephew ran and answered the phone, then, in typical 7-yo style he yelled really loud, Aunty Deena, somebody NEEEEEEDS you!" :lol:

    He told me where he was and I went to meet in person for the first time. He had stopped at a gas station, so he always tells people we met at a gas station!

    Obviously things went well! He was GREAT! He could talk knowledgebly with my bil's dad, who was a dentist, yet, he could also get down on the floor and play dolls with my neice, and cars with my nephew. He also presented a beautiful, and yummy, cheeseball he had made! We were all duly impressed, and everyone there gave me permission to marry him!

    So I did! I'm sooooo glad I did! 19 years later, we're still madly in love!!! :love: :love:
  6. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Neat stories, I love reading these.

    Don and I met at church - singles department - I was on the committee to call people for our activities. Don was on my list - when I called we talked for hours. He stopped by the next day to pick me up for the bowling activity - I told him he could, but we were just friends and I was paying my way - wellllllllll, I married my friend 7 months later - my best friend. :)
  7. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I love these stories! Come on who is going to go next?!
  8. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Oh boy is mine a whopper. First we met at a Martina McBride concert at the Houston Rodeo. Actually we met at a dance after. He asked me out that night for the next night but I hardly knew him so I said maybe. He gave me his number and I called 3 days later. We talked on the phone for 2 weeks after that. He lived in Houston and I lived in a small town an hour north.

    We both had a child and I worked a lot. The only night we could get together I had to work until 9pm so he drove to Brenham and we were to meet up at a local bar my friend owned.

    We hit it off instantly and it was a great night. At the time my daughter and I lived with my very good friend and his daughter and we were moving from one house to another. One house had heat and a tv and the other had furniture but no lights or heat. So we went back to the old house to watch a movie and we offered him a place to sleep in the living room. No furniture but if he was too tired to drive back that was an option plus I felt safe with my roomate there. So we watched the movie Tombstone and half way through I fell asleep. I was so tired because I had worked 14 hours that day and 10 the day before.

    So while I was sleeping apparently this guy came banging on my front door screaming my name saying things like I know your in there your car is here and open the door now! Well he was freaked out and roomate and I were sleeping. Next thing that happened was that this guy came walking in our backdoor drunk staggering in our living room. Now keep in mind I was dead tired and fast asleep on the living room floor through all of this!! Apparently he put my phone to my ear and kept calling my phone from his cell trying to wake me up! He introduced himself as my boyfriend! Finally he left and I found this all out the next morning when I woke up. Dh described him and I knew who it was instantly. I went out to dinner with the guy once two months before. I was in shock and tried my best to explain that no this guy was not my boyfriend!! He was crazy and that was all! I thought dh would never call me again. But he believed me thank God and we have been together as much as possible every day since. Dh said the whole way home the next morning he was going over it in his mind and he decided I must be telling the truth and that the other guy was just crazy because if I had a boyfriend already why would I invite dh to a small town bar where everyone knows me only to be seen hanging out with a different guy. Small town gossip and all.

    Craziest first date I have ever had. That was almost 7 years ago.
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    There's a church right up at the end of my street. The Boy Scouts met there every Monday night. In the Churchyard is a playground, complete with a covered sliding board. We kids would often climb on TOP of this, and it's very difficult to get down. You either have to jump, or swing your legs into the "windows".

    ANYWAY, when I was about 14, I had climbed up onto the roof and was writing on a Monday evening in the summer. Another kid came by, and he decided to get up onto the roof, too. But then he became scared, and couldn't get down. The Boy Scouts were just letting out. So I yelled for them, and two walked over. I asked, "If this guy jumps off and breaks his leg, can you do First Aid on him?" They laughed, and the guy jujmped down and was fine. One of the Boy Scouts I decided was REALLY cute!!! So I "just happened" to be there for the next few weeks while they let out, but never ran into him again.

    About two months later, I was invited to EXPLORERS, whichi is a co-ed scouting program. I went with my friend, We walked in, and THAT BOY!!! was sitting there!!! I thought I was going to DIE!!! (Remember, I'm only 14 at the time!). I really tried to get him to "notice" me. Heck, I chased him across the field, trying to put hay down his back on the hay ride. If that's not love, what is? LOL! By the time he noticed me, I wasn't interested. I had seen the way he had treated a friend, and wouldn't give him the time of day!

    So YEARS later, I found out he was getting married (my mom ran into his on his wedding day!). Then, years after that, he comes back to Ohio, divorced with two preschoolers. He became a Christian and looked me up, remembering that I was one from when we were in high school. I went out with him as friends (I was a good Baptist girl, and gBg's don't date divorced guys with two kids!), and honestly have little recollection of it. We dated on and off for SEVEN YEARS!!! before we "dated"! I would even watch the boys for him while he was out with another girl!
  10. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Jackie, it sounds like you stopped in the middle of your story! THEN what happened?! :)
  11. missinseattle

    missinseattle New Member

    Feb 18, 2007
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    Our first date was due to my boredom lol. Poor hubby. We'd been talking for almost 2 months and he'd been trying to get me out on a date all that time.
    So our first date I picked him up at his apt- he didn't have a car. We went to see the movie "Rounders" and then got chinese takeout, took it back to his apt, ate chinese and read poetry- he writes amazing poetry. Saw each other every day after that up until he went to sea for 6 months.
  12. momothem

    momothem New Member

    Feb 20, 2007
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    We were at ORU and I wasn't one to wait around to be asked out---sooooo... I said do you want to go to a movie. He said yes--the rest is history. I was a HORRIBLE movie by the way, we still laugh about it. $1.00 movie for poor college students, you know how it is.
  13. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    My dh and I were friends for about a year and a half before we started dating. We served on a mission trip (sponsored by our college) together and got to know each other better. We were the only 2 in the group that would sit in the back seat in the ancient school station wagon ---facing the rear, looking a a U-haul, going through the Ozark Mtns. We had no choice but to learn lots about each other!! He asked me out the week after we got back, and we had out first date at The Old Town Spaghetti Store (a local Italian place). It was't a long date, because dh had some type of meeting that night. But, he did call before I went to bed to talk more. We had a couple of "off" periods, but on my birthday, he made the comment "When we get married.." I was like..."Umm...we're not even dating anymore." We were from then on, and were married just over a year from our first date.
  14. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Every time he wanted to get serious, I told him no. (After all, I was STILL a gBg!) He would stop seeing me altogether for a few months, and then he'd call and we'd start going out as friends again. There were a few other guys I was also seeing on a firendship basis, too, so he wasn't the only one. Then one day, he asked me to marry him (this wasn't the first time!), but didn't want an answer right away. He said that if I said no this time, he felt he needed to make a "clean break" and move on. I went home, and was VERY UPSET, because I realized that I could lose someone who had become my VERY BEST FRIEND!!! I called a couple from my church, and talked it out with them. By the time I finished, I wasn't ready to tell him yes, but I WAS ready to at least "date" him. It was probably two weeks before we were unofficially engaged!
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Deanna, I remember "dating" at ORU!!! They didn't call the prayer gardens the "Passion Pit" for nothing, lol! (Though *I* wouldn't know that first hand!!!)
  16. SoonerMama

    SoonerMama New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    My husband and I first met on the first day of high school (11th grade where we went). He had a girlfriend who he had already been dating for a year but she was at his previous school at that time. I sat next to him in English and the first thing he ever said to me was, "Nice bruise." I thought maybe he was kind of a perv because the bruise was pretty high up on my thigh and I don't know how he was able to see up my shorts like that--after all, like Jackie, I was a good Baptist girl, and they were not that short! Anyway, over the next 2 years I got to know him and his girlfriend thought we had something going on--which we TOTALLY did not. My friend once said she was surprised he had a gf because she thought we would be good together, and I was weirded out. We were very different from each other.

    So, a couple of months before graduation we were on a field trip together and spent the whole day together and I realized that he was a pretty neat guy and I would miss him after graduation. He told me then that he and gf had broken up. So I start thinking about him and making us meet in the hall, etc. ;) My friend Angela and I concocted a plan for him to come to my house under the guise of studying for the AP test, because she was sure he liked me and I thought he did, too. So I arranged for a bunch of friends to come over to study as well so it wouldn't be too obvious (gBg and all, right, Jackie?) and I called him, and he said he couldn't come. And I was mad, because now I had a house full of people coming over but not him. But then he called right back and said he would be there. He later told me that he had decided that if it was mostly girls, that I was calling because I liked him, but if it was mostly guys, I just really wanted to study. It was all guys except me and Angela, but he ended up kissing me and two nights later we went out on our first date.

    For the actual date, he picked me up at a scholarship thing, took me to eat gyros, and then we drove all over trying to decide what to do (and went by his house to meet his parents and crazy aunt), and we finally ended up bowling. After 1 semester of college, I transferred to be with him, and with a couple of blips, we dated for 6 years. As of next Saturday we will have been married for 7 years, and sometimes I still look over at him and think, "That is so weird that that boy from my English class is in my shower!":lol:
  17. SoonerMama

    SoonerMama New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    Oh my, I am wordy tonight!! Sorry!:oops:
  18. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    KrisRV and her husband are celebrating an anniversary too, and have been married 23 wonderful years!

    SoonerMama, you're not too wordy. I noticed you got your first kiss with him before your first date with him? *Smiles, scratches head*
  19. SoonerMama

    SoonerMama New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    Ha! Yes, and if I ever have a daughter I probably won't mention that part!:lol:
  20. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    DH and I went to different high schools but both attended a local vocational school. The problem was he was in the morning class and I was in the after lunch class. We didn't know each other but I had friends who went to school with him. They all liked him alot. One had actually been on a date with him. Anyway the vocational school had a casual dance and we both attended. The dance was about half over and he ask me to dance. I said, "No." Then he ask again and my friends told him, "Yes." We slow danced some. Then talked a while and I thought he was a little wild for me. Anyway way he ask for my number and I gave it to him. He called the next day and we talked for the next week and then he ask me to go to Six Flags over Georgia and my mom thought I was crazy when I ask her. He bought me a stuffed animal from Six Flags. I ask him to church for our first date. Then we went to the movies the next weekend. He was a little wild but I settled him down over the next 18 months. We dated 9 and got engaged against my mother's wishes. I did have my dad's permission. We dated 9 more months and married Sept after graduating in June. That was almost 21 years ago.

  21. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    I need to add that my mother did end up loving him alot before she died. She realized he had no support at home and was made to work and give money to his parents while in high school and she really didn't like that.
    He also stopped drinking and smoking as I set those rules if he dated me. He does neither to this day just to keep me. LOL Started attending church too.


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