
Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by Vicky, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner New Member

    May 29, 2005
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  2. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Glenda, I can honestly remember sitting in a chapel service at a Christian college MANY years ago working on my cross-stitch! Though I DO believe I'd get some strange looks if I tried to do it during the service! I agree; I'd never spank a toddler for sleeping in church. However, I WILL nudge my snoring DH rather hard :roll: !
  3. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner New Member

    May 29, 2005
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    Glenda, I can honestly remember sitting in a chapel service at a Christian college MANY years ago working on my cross-stitch! Though I DO believe I'd get some strange looks if I tried to do it during the service! I agree; I'd never spank a toddler for sleeping in church. However, I WILL nudge my snoring DH rather hard :roll: !


    LOL. thats funny. I wish I dared take cross stitch to church. I know our church would be fine with it, but I'm such a chicken heart!
    Brenda will be daring me next thing I know. LOL
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Gives new meaning to the churche's "Ladies' Sewing Circle"! :D

    BTW, Glenda, I don't think I've formally "welcomed" you. Please feel "welcomed"!
  5. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Glenda, I would dare you, but I know you would chicken out of it :lol: I triple dog dare you to do it - our church family probably wouldn't say much - some of our senior youth seem to slip through the cracks with text messaging - cross stitch wouldn't grab too much attention (unless of course you poke yourself with the needle and are vocal about it... :lol:

  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    And besides, Glenda, if you do, Brenda will sit right there next to you, working on her knitting!!! (Yes, I'm volunteering her!!!)
  7. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    :lol: :lol: :lol: ....I wonder what kind of attitude people in third world countries have about the building they worship in......"no running in the barn, kids, we use it for worship sometimes!"....sorry, just brought about funny images :lol: .

    We were to be respectful, but not because of the building we were in, per say, more because of the fact that it would cause problems for others (including our mom :wink: ). Some of these older threads are fun to bring up again, LifeLearner. And welcome from me, too. Unless I've already missed an introductory thread, you'll have to tell us about yourself, family, curriculum, etc. Look forward to getting to know you!
  8. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner New Member

    May 29, 2005
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    You may not have formally welcomed me, but somehow I get the feeling you belong in this crazy bag of hammers too.... :D

    Thanks! Looking forward to getting to know you. but woudl someone keep Brenda under control please? hahahahaha
  9. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner New Member

    May 29, 2005
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    I once shared that opinion with a group (I do share the opinion as in I agree) and boys oh boys did I raise the roof. I still hold to the belief that when we are worshipping ANYWHERE, we are to be respectful. But for those who have church in their homes - I would hope they are allowed to play and laugh and be silly in those rooms between church times. Why the difference?
    just more of my boundless opinions for which I am constantly in trouble. :)
  10. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    If any child falls asleep during church I look at that as he or she must need some sleep. God gives that too.
    My boys, 8, play with small toys such as a matchbox car or something that doesn't make noise. Sometimes I do let them color or draw on small pads. It doesn't hurt anything. I did as a child and now I can sit fine for service but not as a child. I don't think some kids are made to sit still for over 1 hour. At my church sometimes 1 hour and a half. Too long for many adults.
  11. Trish

    Trish New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I wished sometimes Vicki would fall asleep. She is so busy it is hard. She takes pencil and paper. She draws and plays quietly. If she is really having a bad ADHD day we go to the vestibule and listen from there. Their isn't no way in this world that Vicki would stay still for 10 minutes let alone 1hour or longer.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

    Jun 19, 2004
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    spanking and church

    Hi everyone. I am not new to a to z teacher stuff, but I am new to the homeschool spot. I am not an average "home schooler" per say, but I am home with my 3 year old son and run a preschool out of my home. Does that count? I was just curious about this part of the site so I decided to stop by and had a few words to say about the spanking and church issues.

    Spanking. I have spanked my son, but it is not our main form of discipline. He has been doing really well with the 1,2,3 lately, but he does get the occasional "wack" on the butt or sometimes his hands (he has a habit of not touching things he's not suppose to). I actually can't remember the last time I spanked him. I don't agree nor disagree with spanking. I think that if a child is getting spanked every day, then it is more the parents problem than the child's. If it's that often, then obviously that tactic isn't working and something else needs to be tried. I believe if used properly, then spanking is ok. I have seen children in public that "need a spanking", and their parents are one of those "new age" parents that don't believe in any physical discipline and coddle their child endlessly. But I have also seen parents that overstep their boundaries and use it inapproriatly. I think it's very important to talk to your child after a spanking and communication is just as important. They need to understand why it happened and what they need to do in order to avoid it.

    As far as children doodling in church and so forth, I take my son to the Sunday School classes because I believe that he isn't going to learn anything from listening to the pastor preach. We are all there to worship and learn what the Bible has to say, and a 3 year old can not learn anything in that environment. I don't disagree with people wanting their children to be in the service, that is their choice, and I respect everyones different opinions. But the way I see it, when my son is old enough he will understand how to sit appropriately and respectfully in church when he is ready and in good time. In the meantime, I want him to grow and learn about the bible and God's love, and the sermon is usually not age appropriate enough for them (at that age) to learn anything. A child, at age 3, can not understand adult intellect. If it's not holding their attention, then why keep them there and let me be in a class where they can grow and learn better.

    Sorry so long, I get passionate about certain topics, especially religion and children. It's comforting to hear that many christian moms believe in spanking. From reading a lot of the posts you all seem like a very charasmatic group of people:) See you all around :p
  13. Anne

    Anne New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    Just my two cents' worth about spanking:

    I believe it is a tool that parents can use. It's not our first choice. There are other tools in our toolbox! However, a spanking should be given only in response to willful defiance to a clear, appropriate parental directive that the child understands and is capable of following. I believe the Bible clearly establishes spanking as a legitimate tool for parents. I also believe there is a proper way (never in anger, always with love, followed up immediately with comfort and a talk about why this was necessary, etc.) and proper spot (the child's bottom) to administer a spanking.

    As far as frequency goes, if the parents are doing a proper job, it totally depends on the child!!!!! A very strong willed child could very well get more than one spanking in a day, even one a day for several days straight, depending on his/her stubborn streak. I was raised by awesome, godly parents who raised four responsible, law abiding citizens who are all in church, etc., etc. The rules were the same for all of us. But we each had different personalities. One sibilng in particular was very strong willed and he got more spankings than I did by a long shot! So although I think it's wise for parents to step back and reevaluate the situation if they find themselves having to spank quite often, it can also be a case of a very stubborn kid. I know I'm raising a very head strong child! At one point I despaired because it seemed spankings were a common occurence. But for a couple of years now we've enjoyed relative calm and spankings are rare! Whew!

    Just thought I'd throw that out in case there is someone else out there with a very strong willed child.

  14. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner New Member

    May 29, 2005
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    Re: spanking and church

    that depends on the child! I have raised a strong willed child who sometimes got spanked every day, sometimes more than once a day. It wasn't that it wasn't working, he just kept challenging. It was the only thing that DID work in fact. As he grew older we had to spank less and less. Now, at 16, I dont' remember the last time I had to discipline him in any way at all. I think he was 11 or 12. Occasionally I remind him to be nice to his sister or ask him to get to his chores, thats the closest I come.

    Our Sunday school is not during church. If my son isn't in the service with me, he's in the nursery playing with toys. Until he turned 3, he was there, but now I often have him with me in the service. I take his toddler bible, bible story books, even some of his veggie tale toys with us and he has a chair to sit on or kneel at and play. So long as he's quiet, we're all happy. He's not allowed to do a lot of up and down off his chair or a lot of movement that can be disruptive, but he is allowed to be a 3 yr old and not expected to hang on the pastors every word. Next year he will be old enough for jr church but I doubt he'll go. He's very shy and I'm not about to push the issue. He's happy with me in church and he'll slowly grow into sitting more quietly with us.

    I'm with you in children being one of my passions. So very much so!

  15. Anne

    Anne New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    When he was 3 and 4 yrs. old, ds would catch something everytime we took him to his children's class at church. A cold would trigger his allergies, he'd get sicker, etc. So we kept him in the regular services with us. We packed a small backpack for church with a little snack (something non-messy), a little carton of juice, small quiet toys, a coloring book, picture books, etc. He is now a master at sitting quietly in church. We still let him bring quiet things to do, although as he gets older, we'll teach him to take notes instead. Because he's a very active boy, sitting with absolutely nothing to do would drive him bananas. (He doesn't sit still while doing anything, including schoolwork!). But he listens and can tell us what the sermon or lesson was about! As long as he is not disctracting others, I don't think it's a problem for a young child to color, look at a Bible related picture book, etc.

    In small churches, there isn't always something available for children. When I was growing up there was Sunday school for kids, but only regular church during the worship service and we learned to sit quietly in church! But my parents knew there are limits to what you can expect from very small children.

  16. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I can totally understand about the cold thing. We go to a smaller church and the nursery/Sunday School for little ones is during the church service so it fits perfectly into our desires. Not all churches have that though. We recently became members at this particular church, and if we were still going to our old church it would have been different. It was a much bigger church (like 10,000 members) and I am sure we would have been dealing with the sick issue, but being at our current church we don't run into that problem at all, at least not yet anyways. We did run into a chicken pox incident, but he didn't come down with them (I'm almost sad he didn't, I kind of wanted him to get them while he was still young). That's the only thing we've seen so far.

    I do know that if our church remains how it is now, there will not be Sunday School during the church service when he turns 6. At that age, they go to church, and then go to Sunday School while the adults go to an ABF. I don't necessarily see that as bad, I just know if I had it my way, there would be Sunday School at the same time as church for every age child. I just don't see the positive side to it like other people do. Maybe I'm just basing it on my past experiences when I was younger. There seems to be a lot of churches going to that though, with the children in church, then Sunday School following.

    PS: OK, today I spanked him, so now I can remember when I spanked him last. He pushed one of his little friends down, not once, but twice, and that was it. He's been going through this "touchy/hitting/pushing" phase and I'm just plain tired of it.
  17. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Hey, JenPooh!!! Welcome to homeschoolspot, girl!!! I think you'll like it here!
    Where's your frog??
  18. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I haven't gotten that far yet. I'll work more on it tomorrow. Things are a little different here than at a to z so I'm gonna have to figure out how it all works. Thanks for the welcome. Everyone here seems as crazy as I am.
  19. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Welcome, JenPooh! I'm thinking the frog is your pic? If you are having trouble with the avatar I can probably hook you up.

    I also have a testament about spanking and strong-willed kids......most on here will remember the trouble we had with our oldest....well, I just realized that I can't remember the last time we had to spank him either!!!! Yippee!!!! Persistance pays off...and I totally can relate with whomever said that frequent spankings make you question your parenting...which is good! :D ....but if you are doing it God's way He'll let you know and then you can have a good cry and press on :D .

    Both my kids HATE Jr. Church. They would rather be with us....and try not to underestimate what a toddler can get out of a sermon...God's Word is living and speaks to all and doesn't return void :wink: .....Again, WELCOME!
  20. Motherof3

    Motherof3 New Member

    Apr 30, 2005
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    Well i do spank my children, even though i hate too. I think it hurts me more than them. My youngest is real hard work, he is 5 and Ive tryed to reason with him, talking, no treats and still even the spanking does not work :( I also came through a violent relationship and often wonder if im no different to my ex, but this is just a me thing, a hang up in my own mind. I often threaten them with a spanking, but if needs be yes i will.

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