Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by talon17, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. MomToMusketeers

    MomToMusketeers New Member

    May 2, 2011
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    Just wanted to comment on the restlessness you mentioned as an issue. My 2nd DS had that problem in pre-k where he would forever be fiddling, unable to sit still, touching the other kids, etc etc...but then when he started K after the summer, the class was in the afternoon, so he'd spend all morning outside riding his bike. Not only his own teacher, but other teachers commented on how COMPLETELY he had changed.

    I came to the conclusion that the morning break allowed hhim to work off that excess steam, so to speak. Boys are fidgety, I have three of them, but I find with homeschooling, I have the freedom to allow them a half hour of running around before we start, or sometimes even in the middle of math, when it's just not sinking in, they can go out for 15 minutes, and when they come back they are much more cooperative.

    OThers have given lots of pros and cons, so all I wanted to add is that for me the biggest pro is the flexibility.
  2. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I am from NY..not the Island but WNY.

    One of the best things about hsing is that I can gear everything to dd's level and have our day set to the hours that work best for her. Dd is a morning person so we start early most days and get done in the early afternoon.

    Another great thing about hsing is the flexibility with your family. We are not tied to the school calendar. It makes it easier on dr's appointments, shopping, vaccations..... We never do school on dd's birthday. We get to do alot of field trips because I can work them into our schedule.

    The biggest cons for me are that my house is never cleaned the way I want it to be and the cost. I know I could cut the cost down a bit if we had to but dh and I love our curriculum so we feel it is worth the expense.

    You might want to check out local hs groups in your area. LEAH (Christian hs group) has a lot of local chapters even on L.I. They have a small convention on the Island and then a larger one in Rochester every year. The graduation ceremony is held during the Rochester convention.
  3. G33kyG1rl

    G33kyG1rl New Member

    Sep 26, 2011
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    I'm starting homeschooling next week for my first grade son who is experiencing the exact same problems as your son. These ladies have been so very helpful in putting into perspective for me how much my son will benefit from homeschooling! Good luck with your decision, I'm sure whatever you decide will be what's best for your son!
  4. babydux

    babydux New Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Here's another pro...We are moving in the next couple weeks. I can put everything on hold and I don't have to worry about them changing districts. Plus I can enlist them in helping with the packing and cleaning.
  5. Renae_C1

    Renae_C1 New Member

    May 9, 2011
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    I pulled my DS out of public school after Kindergarten too. He wasn't really having problems at school, it was more of the bad attitudes that he was bringing home with him. Not all socialization is good. I had no problems with his teacher - and in fact, I really liked her! But, since bringing him home, he has improved in just about every area. His attitude has improved (although we do still have some flare-ups now and then), academically he has improved, he has less distractions, he gets the one-on-one help that he needed.

    Despite all of the good that homschool has brought to our family, there are some cons (though not severe enough for me to want to go back!). My "alone time" is very much limited (I am able to get some, though. My 3 year old goes down for a nap in the afternoon, and my DS has "quiet time.") I was very worried about negative comments from family/friends. One way I combated this was by starting our homeschool shortly after PS was done (we waited for the year to be done before pulling him out). It gave me some time to become comfortable, it gave DS some time to get used to the new schedule, and more than anything, I was able to build my confidence BEFORE PS started for the new year, and BEFORE I had to start telling people. And really, I have only had one negative comment, and even that wasn't from someone close to me - but if it had been, again, I am now confident in my choice to homeschool.

    Homeschooling has been helpful in areas other than what I had originally anticipated. My MIL recently had heart surgery, and no one was around to help her. I was able to travel across the country (bringing the kids with me) and we were able to homeschool while also being there to help her. I would never have been able to do that if my DS was still in PS. Of course - some people might view that as a con! :D

    My advice to you would be to do as much research as you can before you make a decision. Look into all the different curriculum options, look into the different styles, and think hard about the pros and cons to your family. Homeschooling is a big commitment. I think everyone here, though will tell you it is worth it, but it is NOT for everyone, and that is okay. If you feel you can't hold up to the social pressures, or you can't keep up with the curriculum that you settle on (I would suggest not adding too many extra activities until you are settled into it), or you just really need that break in the day where he is at school, then don't do it.

    I wish you lots of luck in whatever you decide!
  6. jemsmom

    jemsmom New Member

    Apr 13, 2011
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    hi! i'm from ny and long island.
  7. AprilNiccolai

    AprilNiccolai New Member

    Sep 20, 2016
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    I found this thread and the other one through Google just now. I figured this pros and cons article might be relevant as well for anyone who was searching.
  8. violet

    violet New Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    I was homeschooled and the biggest advantage I ever found was that it helps in boosting your confidence.It helps you narrow down your study and focus on who you want to be.
    mommix3 likes this.
  9. Celine Fame

    Celine Fame Member

    Dec 16, 2016
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    The benefits of homeschooling will depend on the person. For example if a child has a trauma or has been bullied in school, it might be comfortable for him /her to learn at home. On one hand, schooling outside will bring more experiences and interaction with other children of his.her age for personality development.

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