Movies you do NOT let your kids watch?

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Earthy, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I agree about Barbie's attire! It is way to skimpy, usually.
    I still purchase Barbie dolls for Ems. We toss the cloths and Barbie wears the cloths my mom makes for her. Around here, Barbie is a very conservative women.:lol: I see Ems acting out a lot of what she lives. So in her Barbie house, Ken is the boss just like Emma's daddy. I think a lot has to do with the life that is lived in the home. Children tend to act out what they know regardless of it being Barbie or Polly Pockets.
    Now as for Bratz, no way! No Bratz allowed here. Unlike Barbie, no matter what is done, that smug, know it all look they wear can't be changed.
    If I remember correctly we had a great Barbie conversation last year some time. Everyone respected the others views on Barbie. We all have to raise our children as we see fit. Some parents were alright with Barbie and others would not allow Barbie.:D
  2. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Actualy I think in the past few years ( since my dd was around 5 or so I noticed) Barbie tm is working hard to change its image. If you notice she has come in many walks of life, including physically challenged and has lost a few 'inches' in height.
    She does have some skimpy clothes but she also has produced clothing that would be what my kids would wear.
    She also has western wear that I personally would want some of hehe.
    But I understand the old barbie doll had a lot of bad stuff about her.
    I am glad to see that the matel manufactorers want to please us all.
    We all agree that Brats are rediculous and even my dd said they are dumb.
    Also I did see a tv program once a long while back where a lady tried to have her self made to look like Barbie ... litterally! that was scarey!
    Fortunately my dd is not effected in that way, she is happy with herself, though she wishes she was shorter haha, and had smaller feet! ( I feel for her cause I do too1 lol)
    My mom was 3 inches shorter than I am, and I actually prayed for my dd to get her bones for petite size not LARGE bones like me. Didnt happen hehe,
    OOP IM off track here, !
    I was going to ask you all what you think of the following two movies, I am not sure what they are rated,

    The Last Mimsy ( did I spell it right?)
    and Transformers ( movie just out)
    Also Rattatoie? ( someting like that?)
  3. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Actualy I think in the past few years ( since my dd was around 5 or so I noticed) Barbie tm is working hard to change its image. If you notice she has come in many walks of life, including physically challenged and has lost a few 'inches' in height.
    She does have some skimpy clothes but she also has produced clothing that would be what my kids would wear.
    She also has western wear that I personally would want some of hehe.
    But I understand the old barbie doll had a lot of bad stuff about her.
    I am just glad to see that the matel manufacturers want to please us all. ( More money I know)
    We all agree that Brats are rediculous and even my dd said they are dumb.

    Also I did see a tv program once a long while back where a lady tried to have her self made to look like Barbie ... litterally! that was scarey!
    Fortunately my dd is not effected in that way, she is happy with herself, though she wishes she was shorter haha, and had smaller feet!

    OOP IM off track here, !
    I was going to ask you all what you think of the following two movies, I am not sure what they are rated,

    The Last Mimsy ( did I spell it right?)
    and Transformers ( movie just out)
    Also Rattatoie? ( someting like that?)
  4. the sneaky mama

    the sneaky mama New Member

    May 5, 2007
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    I am dying to see Ratatouille. . .but won't let my kids see it until we've done it.

    We will not allow our son to see Transformers.
  5. homeschoolinmum

    homeschoolinmum New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    I'm surprised no one mentioned the "I'm in hillbilly hell" line from Cars. At least not that I saw. Really, though, there aren't too many movies I don't let my kids watch that are G or PG. Shark tale IS one I've been warned off of, so we've never seen that. As for some of them, I believe they are what you make of them. Any that are PG or PG-13, we make sure to watch WITH them. I feel there are things that need to be seen and are better explained by Mum & Dad as opposed to watching it at a friend's or something, IYSWIM.
  6. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I watched Ratatouille and I can't put my finger on it but I could do without it. Some people loved it but I couldn't get into it at first. Towards the end I enjoyed it more but personally, I think it is overrated.
    It did, however, have a great plot. It made a great point about pursuing dreams and not living a certain way just because your family history dictates a certain life style.
  7. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I've heard bad reviews about Transformers. Not bad as in it's not appropriate, but bad as in "it just stinks". Nothing like the original cartoon, and to be honest, I'd rather have the old versions of a lot of things over the new versions. We've seen Shark Tale and weren't too impressed. It was kind of boring, to be honest.

    One of Tanner's favorite movies is Chicken Little. Anyone seen that one?
  8. CrystalCA

    CrystalCA New Member

    Jun 23, 2004
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    Transformers was the BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!
    The special effects were awesome and seamless BUT NOT A KIDS MOVIE!!!
    Lots of sexual overtones ( mast**bat*on talk, actually a whole screen, mom embarassing kid about having door locked and it turns into a 5 min slap stick routine ) ,the camera zooming in on flat stomach, boobs and butt of girl. The main girl dresses like street walker in some of the scenes.
    BUT... for me and my dh we loved it for the action and special effects and the story line was good. The bonus was that all of the voices were from the same voices from the Transformers cartoons!! My dh is a huge Transformers fan ( from childhood) and he will be buying this movie ( which he rarely says about any movie)!
    As far as PG-13 movies go my kids WILL NOT being seeing this one for a few years.

    As far as The Last Mimzy goes...I gave a review of this movie on page 23 , here it is:

    I took both of my dd's (9 and 11 yrs old) to see the Last Mimzy.
    I loved it and so did my girls! We even got 2 free mimzy doll keychains when we went to a sneak preview of it.
    Its about how the "doll" Mimzy (its alive) needs to get "pure" DNA from humans in the past ( before humans turn on each other to the point of destruction, the scientist sent 5 Mimzies into the past, only 1 is left).
    Very scifi , "magic" is involved but I tell ya...I cried so hard through this movie!!
    It is very touching and really makes you think about the future.
    ****edited for spelling mistake
  9. Jennifer R

    Jennifer R Active Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    My son raved about Transformers but he is 19 almost 20! It was neat to hear him talk about it because he is not much of a talker and he was telling me what he liked about it.

    We are on the waiting list for The Last Mimzy at the library. We are blessed with a library system that is very up-to-date.
  10. the sneaky mama

    the sneaky mama New Member

    May 5, 2007
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    That's interesting about Transformers. We rented the older movie version that was a cartoon and my dh told my son he could watch it after we previewed it. . .and it had curse words in it. We were a little surprised and frankly it was odd to see a cartoon cursing???!!! :eek:
  11. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    What curse words did they use?
  12. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    you know, cartoons today are not written for children our little kids ages, they are written for the young twenties, the kids who were babies when we were kids watching cartoons, because these adults are not growing up. They are staying kids. There are statistics about it and everything.
    Kids are still considered 'kids' in thier twenties now! By parents even!
    And if y ou look around that is what is being marketed at, or who.
    Older teens and young adults, not really kids like our kids.
    But then again when I was a kid and we went to shows like Bad News Bears, I saw it as real life because it was like the people around me. I did not grow up in a Christian home, or one that did not swear but one that was very open and worldly wise, So to them this is nothing, they dont even hear the cuss words, we do because we have parental hearing.
    When I comment to youth today about thier clothes or thier words they look at me like I am from anothe rplanet.
    Thats all they know.... cussing and dressing er barely is normal for them to see in movies because it is thier lives.
  13. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Freddy krugar, friday the 13th. Those kinds of movies we DO NOT allow. More for the fact that my kids are scared after they watch them. But also for the gore of them. I dont care for them to watch that stuff. Grease is NOT for kids. Too much Sxx content in it. Hubby loves Austin Powers, Kids are NOT allowed to watch that. For the same reason as Grease. The Simpsons is another one we don't allow them to watch.

  14. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I can't stand movies like Halloween or Friday the 13th!!!!:x
    The twistedness behind them is disturbing to me.
    Murder is a real and violent act. These movies glorify the brutality behind murder and give the power to the bad guy.
  15. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Wow I've been gone for a week and have a lot to catch up on.

    Let's see...

    We do allow Barbie. Samantha has outgrown it and Grace has them all now. Doesn't play with them much though.
    Samantha saw Ratatouille yesterday with her friend and her friend's grandma. They loved it. I haven't seen it. I don't have time to preview everything she watches.
    One thing I don't allow my kids to watch in movies is sex scenes. However Grease is my one exception. Samantha and I could watch Grease over and over. We love it!
    We do watch The Simpsons. My kids do too. If there is a neighbor kid over we don't have it on thought because I know most of the girls friends are not allowed to watch it and we respect other peoples wishes for their children. Yes it is crude hummor but we all think its hillarious. We really love King of the Hill though. That show rocks.
    I love Freddy and Jason movies and especially old 1980's B horror movies! My kids are NOT allowed to watch them though at all. My girls get scared easily so usually nothing even remotely scarey for them. They do like Watcher in the Woods though which is Disney.
    No Disney movies are banned in our home so far.
    We are pretty relaxed. Unless dh or I find something terribly wrong with it we allow it. I'm not influenced by what other families do. Everyone makes there own decisions but I will honor another families rules if their child is in my home.

    At the begining of this I said I wouldn't allow Evan Almighty but I've changed my mind. I'd let Samantha see it.

    One type of movie I love to watch is Agatha Christie murder mysteries. Last night I was The Mirror Cracked from Side to Side. I am an absolute British comedy and drama junkie. LOVE PBS!

    Dh brought home Shooter the other night and we saw it after the kiddos were in bed. Stupid movie with great action scenes. If I expect dh to watch Agatha Christie or foriegn films with me I better watch shoot em up movies with him.
  16. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    the last time I Went to a 'horror' movie was in highschool and my best friend and I sat there laughing all through the movie, the acting was so bad! People were screaming at teh 'scarey parts' and it didnt faze us we were just laughing away. So I know some people just dont scare easily...
    With my own kids I have tried to keep scarey stuff out of thier eyes because of night terrors.
    My oldest had them when he was little, that is when you have a dream but you dont know you are dreaming, often they are in such a deep sleep they sleep walk and such... this can be set off by anything I read so I avoided this with my kids from way back when.
    For the most part I tried to keep fighting types of movies out too but dh allowed them so we went with mild ones like the 3 ninjas, they taught a good moral in each video, about getting along, not fighting if you had to etc.
    I always try to find a lesson in the movies we watch, even disney haha!
    I believe if y ou look hard enough there is a way to talk about Jesus in anythign too ( I know not the thread for that now so wont go there...)
  17. AmyU

    AmyU New Member

    May 15, 2006
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    The school I work at went and saw Ratatouille, I thought it was great movie. My son did not want to see it(age 12). We did go see Harry Potter. We are big Harry Potter fans. My son is allowed to watch most movies. No rated R though, except he has watch a few horror movies with us. We do talk about a lot of what we watch. And he knows that movies are movies and if he copies things I don't like he will not be watching anything like it again. Same with music!! I have not had any problems yet!
  18. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Amy you just kind of summed up my family.
  19. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Amy, are family too, we seen Harry Potter seen everyone of them and waiting for the final book to come on Saturday.. I really enjoyed the movie this time I thought it was great...
  20. Hippychick

    Hippychick New Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Haven't been on this one in a bit, but I thought I would add my husbands reason for not buying Ken or the boy Barbie dolls. They are all to feminine and he does not like that.

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