Movie night (prayer request)

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by Brenda, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    We have decided we're going to host a movie night at our home next Saturday for the boys and their friends (17 teenagers invited) and we're going to show God's Not Dead because it seems that these youth have questions about God's existence (I will shamelessly admit that my youngest son is amongst those questioning whether God really does exist - he's listening to the ways of the world).

    I've sent the invite out on Facebook to a select group of teens and a couple parents (knowing that some won't be here) and have offered up what every teenagers loves.... FOOD! I have not disclosed the movie title (fearing if I do, it might discourage some from coming). They know there's a movie at our home, where we live, the time and that food is involved :lol: I've told them they don't need to bring anything with them - but they have to leave bad attitudes at home.

    Pray that God will be Glorified in all of this, that any questions that arise from this will be answered with love and wisdom. I'm prayerfully hoping this is the beginning of an awesome journey for everyone who comes.
  3. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Wishing you every success. Honestly, though, I would let them know which movie you plan to show.
  4. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    That's wonderful, Brenda. I wish you all sorts of success. Our church is doing the same thing next Sunday evening. Inviting the whole town.
  5. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Praying your movie night goes well. I would let those invited know what the movie is. But that is just my opinion.
  6. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I wasn't going to say what the movie is, but I have changed my mind and will let them know tomorrow what it is :)
  7. CrazyMom

    CrazyMom Banned

    Sep 30, 2013
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    I would strongly advise you to revise your invitation immediately to include the film title.

    You can't manipulate people into a relationship with God. Also, it's pretty dishonest to present something as recreation...if that's not what you intend it to be.

    Guess what teens like better than food?

    Honesty and respect.

    I think this is an incredibly horrible idea, if I'm honest. Taking on the question of God's existence for some of these kids...without their parent's input...without some support from experienced a group of teens, no less...some of whom have openly expressed's a recipe for an ugly showdown you might not be prepared to handle. The Hippocratic oath comes to mind: First, do no harm.

    I can see SO many ways for this to backfire really really dreadfully....and potentially harm a few vulnerable kids whose future faith may hang in the balance.

    I also think the film is a terrible choice. I'm not a huge fan of this particular film. I think a skeptical kid would have a field day ripping it apart...even if they don't have this discussion in front of you, you're still inspiring this to happen later in private.

    Definitely praying......that you reconsider.

    Wanted to add...I don't think there's anything wrong with making an honest invitation to the kids and their families to watch this with you. But why not just be up front and honest?

    "Hey, we know that a lot of young people are questioning the existence of God. We're going to watch "God's Not Dead" on Saturday, at our home, and will be providing some good food. Won't you please keep an open mind and come join us?"

    Will work a whole lot better with teens....than the bait and switch movie night "and leave your bad attitudes at home" strategy.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
  8. CrazyMom

    CrazyMom Banned

    Sep 30, 2013
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    About "God's Not Dead" *Spoilers"!!!!!

    Bleh. It's one of those films that has me, as a Christian, kinda knocking my head against the wall. It was so badly done. I don't WANT my faith perceived as divisively or simplistically as it was portrayed in the film. The film was one-note, had two dimensional characters, and was so insanely far-fetched that it's not remotely useful in addressing the real-life issue of loss of faith in the US.

    I wanted it to be truthful...and it wasn't truthful. The atheist might as well have worn a black hat and a mustache...he was a two dimensional "bad guy" who was REALLY a "lost" Christian who was angry at God for his mother's death in his childhood. He was a miserable scrooge character...who ended up having a deathbed conversion that was so laughable cheesy, the Kraft company could use it in advertising.

    In the beginning, all 80 kids in the class signed the paper that God was the end ALL 80 kids in the class declared God to be alive again. It was just so awkwardly unrealistic.

    The reality is....most people our kids will encounter who are non-religious are NOT going to be miserable two dimensional caricatures of evil and pain. They'll be family members, coworkers, friends.

    They'll be other kids....who our kids have a lot in common with. They'll be teachers who are by all observation...normal happy people. My daughter's physics teacher was an atheist. We were shocked. He had two little kids, was a doting father, appeared to be in a solid marriage, and was an excellent teacher who was always willing to help. There will be lots of friend's families who lost religion somewhere along the way after divorce. There will be people of other faiths, too.

    There are going to be some BIG questions out there for our kids to encounter and deal with....and this goofy movie...where EVERYONE, including the Chinese kid and the Muslim girl convert to Christianity in the end and go to a Christian Rock Concert....isn't going to HELP them to cope with the very real...and deeply concerning issue...of Americans becoming less religious.

    There is just so make fun of about this film. Just kinda makes me cringe.

    The film makers meant well....but sometimes....oye.
  9. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Parents/guardians of those who were invited were invited as well and those same parents were told (privately) what the movies was. All of the teens are at varying stages of their Christian walk. The movie title has been disclosed to them and no one has rescinded their interest in watching it so I'm going to assume they're ok with it (some of them have already seen it and want to see it again).
  10. CrazyMom

    CrazyMom Banned

    Sep 30, 2013
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    If you're being honest with everyone and they still want to come....that's really awesome. Hope it goes well.
  11. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Re the movie: In a sense, Hollywood can't win. They were berated for not making movies suitable for a Christian audience. They made Noah, and it was panned. They made "Heaven is for real", and it generated controversy and criticism from Christian quarters. They made "God is not dead", and it's panned for not being suitable for a non-Christian audience! :)

    I haven't seen the movie, so I can't comment on its content. Still, it was made solely for a Christian audience, and, from what I've heard, many Christian audiences have enjoyed it. Maybe it's suitable as an evangelistic tool or maybe it's not: It wasn't made with that in mind, but neither were some wonderful evangelistic books. Personally, I see Christian books and Christian movies, and even Christian billboards, as something sold to the "Christian market." If they spark a good discussion with others, that's wonderful.

    I hope your evening goes well, Brenda. You've clearly put much thought and prayer into this, and it's good news that those invited are excited to come. :)
  12. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    My husband and I have been wanting to watch it for some time (I've only ever heard good things about the movie). Our youngest son has been challenging his faith recently and so we wanted him to watch it with us. I knew the only way that would likely happen was if he had a group of friends to watch it with (most of whom have already watched it but want to see it again).

    CrazyMom, you made a VERY valid point about being upfront and honest with them about the title and I hadn't stopped to see it from that angle until you said that - for which I thank you.

    I sent a message to each of the parents whose teens were invited and told them what I was doing - the movie we would show and they were all ok with it. Until earlier today I hadn't disclosed it to the teens but they know now- and they're pumped to see it again. The food..... that's just an extra bonus for them :D
  13. CrazyMom

    CrazyMom Banned

    Sep 30, 2013
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    Awesomeness:) I'm excited everyone seems so positive. I hope it goes well and people enjoy your hospitality.

    I think most Christian audiences will enjoy this film. But there's no doubt it's a film written FOR Christian consumption. Anyone on the fence or outside of the fence could potentially feel very alienated watching it. That's my concern for the kids.

    I didn't hate this film. It just seemed sort of heavy handed and political....and I can see that being a turn off to a kid who is questioning faith. It also has some major cheesiness....that I wouldn't blame a kid for poking a little fun at.

    Watching the scene with the Muslim girl telling her father that she now follows Jesus.....I couldn't help but wonder how the same scene would reverse. What would audiences think of a girl portrayed as being from a strong Christian family reading the Koran in secret and telling her Christian father she's done with Jesus and Muhammad is her Lord now? It bothered me. It struck me as very an unnecessary and sort of disrespectful way. I don't like it when people chuck bombs like this at my faith....and I'm even more sensitive about seeing people of my faith doing it to other faiths.

    I liked that the Christian boy stood up for his faith, and felt protective of God and Jesus. I think they handled that sentiment really a sensitive and sincere way.

    But the other characters were so two dimensional....and the story line was pretty much: "All Christian people are good and will live happily every after. All non-Christian people are bad and will come to a terrible end." For heaven's sake...the atheist bad guy gets hit by a bus and dies, and the skeptical reporter girl gets terminal cancer and gets dumped by her jerk boyfriend.

    Something this preachy and unrealistic...might not be the best place to start with someone who is questioning faith. Particularly, young people can be pretty quick to react.

    I had some luck getting Elle's friend who lived with us for a while (who was similarly on the fence about God and religion) to watch "Seventh Heaven" with me. She actually grew to like it so much, she started recording it on the DVR. We've grown to love this girl very much...and her, us. Not sure if it's out of a sense of obligation, but she occasionally attends services with us, and gets a big kick out of my mom preaching. They're both big cribbage enthusiasts and have come to be good friends.

    I didn't mean to express such offense to your plan, Brenda....I know you have terrific intentions...and I commend you for them:)

    Praying for a good night of fellowship and a good outcome for any kids on the fence.
    All the best.
  14. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Movie night has come and gone and what a night it was! We were blessed with 13 people in total. Successful? I would say so - there is discussion happening that didn't happen prior to this movie tonight.

    At the end of the movie, most of us updated our Facebook statuses to say "God's Not Dead" and for the most part that went over well. I will ask you to pray for a Dustin... he (who wasn't here) does NOT believe and he made it very clear in the statements he made on the status of one girl who was here (but she handled it well with the help of a few of us). Like SO MANY people in the world, he has tough questions and just doesn't want to believe right now.

    The youth pastor from my church is in contact with many of the teens who were here and is ready to answer any questions that these guys/gals might have.

    My husband and I will watch it again to see parts we might have missed while he was cooking or I was out of the room. What an awesome night we just had!
  15. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Having tough questions now is GOOD! Rather now than later. Rather fight through all the cultural clutter now than let it suffocate his faith. Rather challenge the status quo now than simply go with the flow. I hope the youth pastor's faith is deep, because it sounds like Dustin is going to toss out the trite answers. I can sense a powerful man of God in the making!
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I saw the pictures on FB; looks like the boys had a great time!!!
  17. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    It did look like a good time was had by all! We're doing the same movie at church tonight, open to the public. We've seen it already, but will likely go again.
  18. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I believe the movie is the beginning of something good that will happen. The tough questions (and some nasty statements from him) challenged people to not only defend their faith but to back it up. A seed has been planted, I'm trusting God to water it and make it flourish according to His will.

    We had a blast!
  19. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    So glad it went well. Your pictures on Facebook looked like everyone was having a good time. I have not seen the movie yet. Maybe I will get a chance soon.
  20. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Well worth it to see (no, I won't spoil it) :)

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