Lifestyle Question

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by mykidsrock, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    So, my DS is 4 (turning 5 this year). We are the only family we know starting home schooling. We have started doing some Pre-K work. I am using to test out the idea of home schooling, and my son has shown an interest in learning. He really wants to read so that he can play DH's video games. So, bring on the letters and numbers, and here we go!

    However, the reality of this is starting to hit me. If we are home full time, which is awesome, I'll have all 3 kids on my own every day...forever! For the most part I am very happy with this. I love my kids, I don't need a huge break from them all the time. But having a dentist appointment with 3 kids in tow is not easy!

    How do you all do it? Do you trade babysitting for things like that? Does it get easier?

    Our area does have a few programs for home school kids - art for home schoolers, gym for home schoolers - but I'm not doing this so I can ship them off around town for 10,000 activities. I'm sure I'll use some of these resources, but within reason.

    Any advice?
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    My children are ages 15, 13, and 10, and we have been homeschooling from Day One. You will find the answer to this changing over time. When we first started out, we attended a church with a homeschool group. So my oldest was there one day a week for about three hours. Moms took turns teaching, and another mom would watch the little children of the teaching/helping moms. (We had a schedule set up for this!). Non-teaching/helping moms didn't stay; I would do my grocery shopping during this time. Eventually we left that church and the group folded. I went for a while without doing any "outside" stuff, and that was OK, too. Currently, because my oldest is in high school, we attend a different co-op one day a week. We're only there for two hours, but others come at 9:00 AM and don't leave until 3:00. But I'm there so she can get her lab sciences, NOT so she can have a "school experience", kwim?

    Yes, I always just took them with me whenever I went! When you start from the beginning, one of the things you can do is instill in your child the fact that they can do their work independently. If I had to go to the dentist or somewhere, my kids would have work to do in the waiting room. One day, I had an "emergency" dental procedure. My dentist was on vacation, so the sent me to someone else. While I was having it done, my three children were doing math in the waiting room, the receptionist being the only other person in the room. My youngest was probably five or six at the time. They had a local station on, and my middle (distractable) child went up to the receptionist and asked her very nicely if she would please turn down the music, because she (my daughter) was so distracted singing along with it, that she couldn't do her math. Today, my oldest has an orthodontist appointment, and we'll all be going along for that.

    Take advantage of "outside programs" that you feel will enhance your program. But DO NOT think you "have" to do anything outside that you don't want to do. Pick and chose. What is PERFECT for one, will not be for everyone. For example, we had a homeschool 4-H group. Many wonderful friends had joined, and I was looking forward to it. It's a great program and my kids learned some good stuff in it. But after trying for two (three?) years, I finally had to admit it wasn't "for me". And guess what? My kids haven't missed it at all (except maybe at fair time, when they complain about why we aren't going, lol!)
  4. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Believe it or not - a lot of the time my kids go with me places. Sometimes I have dropped them at a friend's house because it just works better (I had a cyst removed and that was just gross and we didn't know how long) My dentist is VERY accommodating with the kids ;) I make sure they have stuff to do -- even if it IS electronic.

    I also will schedule everyone's on the same day - LOL.... so usually they will be in a chair when I am (misery loves company)....

    We pick and choose activities...

    PE is free at our local community center so we do that (a homeschooling day runs it)
    4-H (again relatively free except the animals)

    That's it for what we do as extras....

    Usually stuff "finds you" in the homeschooling world :)

    HAVE FUN!!!!!!! Your kids are at an awesome age (I SOOO want more younger ones - I wanna play!!!).....don't stress too much either - you will stress but know that you aren't alone in this - most have been through what you are going through and we all continue to stress (probably about stupid stuff in the long run).....but we get through the day just fine ;)
  5. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I have 4. Boys. I'll be honest, taking them places is tough. At least right now because they are all so young. They aren't crazy roudy or anything, but they are sometimes a little more than my nerves can handle. But because I know that about myself, I have opted to put my older two (and the other two as soon as they're old enough) in a Homeschool academy. They meet every Monday afternoon from 12:30-4 to do Art, Drama, Music, and P.E. Then I schedule the majority of my errands during those times. It's a lot easier to grocery shop with a 4yo and newborn, than to add a 7 and 5yo to the mix.

    I also "use" my MIL when I have to. She doesn't mind to watch the older three from time to time. The baby is breast fed, so she can't really take him or she would ;)
  6. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Well I have homeschool forever too. I just take my girls with me. they know that sometimes we have to wait and it could be along wait, they bring there work with them and book to read when they are done. they have been to tons of doctor appointments with there dad who has 2 rounds of cancer so they know from day one, when we go we work quietly and do our best. So, if you start them out young they know no different. How many times we have done school in dental and doctors office probably as many times as we done it at home. It works. Reward them for being great, doesn't have to be much. Like a movie when they get home, or ice cream to show them you were so proud of them for working nicely will you were in the bad with Daddy or getting something done yourself.
    I have done co-ops with my girls, but I don't do them know. I only did one for science. Because I don't believe in sending your children all day to co-op and call it homeschool.
    To me that is not homeschooling that is someone else teaching your child. there just not in a ps surroundings.
  7. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I took my kids with me everywhere when they were little. Those experiences are what led to many, many compliments on my well-behaved children. By going to appointments, shopping, etc. they were not getting cabin fever, either. That phase won't last forever. Before you know it, they will be old enough to stay at home for a bit if you have an appointment.

    Now that my kids are 10 and 13, they have been able to sit with a friend's young children so she could go to a dental appointment, or to vote, or other such short trips. We don't keep track of favors, but we have friends who we just help out when needed. I guess when the Lord says of the church "all things were common", He meant even kids! :D
  8. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    Thanks for the encouragement! It's good to know things work for people, both ways. My kids are already learning what is expected when we are out, and good at keeping things together for me.
    I am starting to get comments from friends about how much they enjoy their time without their kids, and how could I think of doing this. Sometimes I get nervous about it. But I really think the choice to home school fits for our family. I am so encouraged to hear how it has worked out for you!

    mkr :)
  9. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    I take my boys with me where I need to go, or if they can't go I do it after DH gets home or I will trade off babysitting with a friend of mine who has children around the same age (they go to school, but she's always home). I'll leave my boys with there in the morning/afternoons and then some evening I take hers so she and her hubby can go out.
  10. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Yes, I DO enjoy time without my kids! But I also enjoy my time WITH them.
  11. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    I agree Jackie! I have to say though my favorite time is when I get time alone with just one of the children, I LOVE getting to see them as themselves not just so and so's brother, or "one of the boys"! I know lots of times I'll go to the grocery shopping after dh's home and just take one child. We get lots of quality time that way we'll take our time browsing the isles and talking about what ever comes up, usually I'll take him out for an ice cream as well.
  12. Frugalcountrymom

    Frugalcountrymom New Member

    Feb 13, 2007
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    Don't over load yourself. Thats the first mistake of first time homeschoolers. They join to many things and get overwhelmed. Know your limits. Try to combine things for instance: I know some co-ops that not only offer classes but homeschool activties as well as other things in the co-op like girlscouts, boyscouts, 4-h. They combine them in one place on the same day.

    Find someone in your homeschool group or co-op that y'all can trade off the kids for important appts otherwise you learn to adapt by taking homework with you & activities for the kids to do. After awhile the kids will get used to it, mine have, they know to keep busy cause its going to be a long wait. Take snacks with you for the younger ones.

    Don't forget some alone time. My son is usually in bed before 10pm my daughter 10:30 cause she likes to watch the weather. Hubby is also in bed. The rest of the night is my alone time to be sane hehe..I also take an occasional Saturday and do some flea market combined with grocery shopping alone.

  13. Bry's-Gal

    Bry's-Gal New Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    I schedule things in chunks- with a chunk of time home each day! For example, our homeschool group meets Tuesday morning so I plan on us being home Tuesday afternoon. We have gymnastics on Thursday afternoons- right by the grocery store, the bank and my allergy shot-we do it all in one trip and we stay home Thursday morning. The girls join me for pretty much everything and I've trained them how to act when we are out. A few times, I'll arrange child care for an appt- for example, my mom had a major medical appt and I needed to be there. She needed my full attention and I needed my full attention on the Dr. so a friend watched the girls for me.
    You'll find your groove and how to best manage your time.
  14. fairfarmhand

    fairfarmhand Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    If you're just starting out, it seems that there is no one out there going through the same thing, but more than likely there are lots of homeschoolers that are nearby. Having all the children with you all the time can get tiring. I have 4 so I do understand, but training them to be well-behaved will make them a pleasure to be around for the most part. They will have days when you will want to run out the back door screaming to never return, but your family will adjust to it.

    I considered putting my kids in school this year. My oldest will be entering middle school this year and I was scared, and I was also just plain tired. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized, I really would miss them if they weren't here!

    As for dentist and dr. appointments, more times than I can count, I've called my husband at work and said, "look, I feel horrible and I need to get to the doctor. Can you either get home early or go in late tomorrow?" Most of the time it works itself out. Having a friend or two that you can call in an emergency will help.
  15. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    frugalcountrymom and bry's-Gal, I am totally prone to over-doing it! Thanks for the advice. My ds hates being out, so I'll have to watch that, and try not to do too much. I like your idea of grouping outings. I'm guessing with younger kids they will feel busier if we make lots of trips, than if we only go out a couple afternoons a week, but get everything accomplished on those trips.

    On the bright side. I was at a meeting this morning, and just found out one of the women their will be home schooling her son for KG in the fall too. We have known casually through the group for a couple years. We'll have to get to know each other better now! It's nice to know someone else is getting started too.
  16. Bry's-Gal

    Bry's-Gal New Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    mykidsrock- That was my problem at first- not home enough! How can I get to lessons and house cleaning and just relaxing if we are not home? So many things fight for my attention and the girls attention that I have to make a conscious effort to be home and do our work! I've learned I have more energy in the morning- I used to do all of our errands then and be home in the afternoon. But by the time the afternoon came, I was worn out and didn't get to the stuff that needed to be done at home. I've since changed it to being home in the mornings when I'm energetic, patient and ready to go. The afternoons are for going out. It works better for us!

    I'm glad you found another Mom who is starting the journey with you!
  17. staying6

    staying6 New Member

    Feb 1, 2008
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    Well... we are military and with moving around I usually end up taking my kids with me because I do not know anyone well enough (at least for periods of time) that I would want to leave my kids with. So, they have always come with me to the dentist. Often they would sit on my lap (BOTH of them) and watch the dentist. They thought it was great! Thankfully my dentist was accommodating.

    I have friends who do not ever take their kids shopping. I wish I had that sometimes... I really do. I do not have that luxury. My kids always go with me shopping. They go to my appts... or if it is not an appointment they can go to, I have my DH take leave for the day to watch them.

    I do get quite a few compliments on my kids behavior, but I know that sometimes they do not behave and I have had to leave places because of them in the past. Life goes on. It is just the way my life is... I cannot change it and I wouldn't want to, but, I will say that because of my children I almost never go to the mall... or clothes shopping or places like that. I find it funny that I used to like just browsing at a clothing store... hahahah... That just doesn't happen now and I do not miss it one bit.
  18. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Set up dental appointments on days when your dh is off so the kids can stay home with him. I don't see how I could take three kids to a dental office when I am the one being worked on. For shopping or errands I would take them all, but dh generally does all that since we only have one car.
  19. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    Embassy, so far that is what we do too. My dh is usually able to go to work later and I have my appointment while he watches the kids.
    Staying6, I also find I take them everywhere, and yes it does limit where we go. But as they get older I am hoping it will work better.

    I'm starting to hear more friends raving about sending their kids to PS and having all this time to do things on their own. Mostly I don't need/ want that, but there are some things that are hard to do with all the kids.

    I tried to buy a pair of jeans last week. One kid in the stroller crying, carrying the baby, and the older child asking if we are done yet. I was seriously in need of jeans, so we finished the job until I had pants, but from now on clothes shopping is going to have to be calender scheduled without the kids!
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    LOL!!! My advice would be to schedule twice the amount of time you think it will take, take a good book along, and when you're done with the shopping, stop at Starbucks with your book! Take your time and enjoy the very rare day to yourself!!!
  21. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    Good idea!

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