Jury Duty And Homeschooling

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Emma's#1fan, Sep 6, 2006.

  1. homeschoolstory

    homeschoolstory New Member

    Feb 12, 2015
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    I received a summons and attended the jury selection on Monday, with my children. It was a disaster, children not allowed in with me. Has anyone else been admitted to the courtroom with their homeschooled children? I honestly thought I had considered every aspect, and as I regularly receive jury summons (this is the first one I did not ask to be excused from), I wonder what I should do in the future. Advice? I published the letter I wrote to the court administrator the same day. I will not link to it, but I would love feedback. May I give the name of the blog? The letter is too ridiculously long to post here. Again, suggestions of how to deal with a future summons? Or the recent rude-beyond-belief behavior of courthouse employees confronted with children?
  2. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Honestly, I would never think to take my children with me if I were to have jury duty. Now, if you were going to see a trial, they should be allowed in. If I were you, I would either find someone to watch them, or ask to be excused.
  3. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    I wouldn't bring my children, either. Actually, the summons here specifically says that children (even infants) aren't allowed. I'm surprised yours didn't say something like that. (Most trials here don't allow children, either, unless they're somehow involved.)

    I've never had to show up, because I've always been excused, but if so, I'd have someone watch my kids. In Texas, you can usually be excused if you're the at-home caregiver for children under 10. Once both of my kids reach 10, I'll be expected to leave them home alone, I suppose. Looking at their maturity levels today, I doubt that will be a problem. My 9 y/o already stays home alone for up to 3 hours at a time. (For that matter, most of the kids in my neighborhood do, because the bus drops them off at 3, and parents don't get home until 6.)

    Sorry... I digress...

    How to deal with future summons? Read it carefully to see what is expected, and see if you can get out of it. If you can't, get a sitter for your kids.

    Rude court employees? Rude people don't really affect me that much. We're all God's creation, and it's His job to reward or punish, not mine.
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    In Oho, 12 is the "official" age for leaving kids alone. So if you were to leave a child 11 years and 11 months home alone and something would happen, you'd be in deep do-do! The government knows SO much better than we parents what is best for our children; how thankful we are to have their guidance in all things :roll:!

    I'd find it amusing if the jury stuff here if the summons mentioned age 10 when legally they shouldn't be left alone until age 12!
  5. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    Texas has no "official" age for leaving a child at home, but it's age 8 to leave them in a car.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2015
  6. ochumgache

    ochumgache Active Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    I got called while homeschooling, and they would not let me off. It wouldn't be as big of a deal now, but then my children were younger and needed me more. I think my youngest was under the age of 1. One young mom brought her infant with her, because she didn't have a babysitter, and they were not happy with her. They told her to come back the next day without the child. I thought that was very unfair. Beside, she could have probably sat there all day with her child and it would have been fine. I spent 8 hours that first day in a waiting room. The next day, I spend 5 hours waiting before being called back for a jury selection. That took about 20 minutes. I was not selected, and after another hour of waiting, they let me go.

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