
Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by Deena, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Hey, I just got asked to go on a Mission trip to India with a group called Maranatha! It would be amazing to go, but all the logistics say that's impossible! However, that's when God works best, right? So I am asking for prayer to know what to do! The trip is in February so there's not much time to plan, so I'm asking for you to pray for a quick answer, so I can, with God's help, plan accordingly! Thankyou so much!

    If anyone is interested in info. about it, here's a link:
  3. AngeC325

    AngeC325 New Member

    Aug 31, 2007
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    What an exciting opportunity. I will be praying for you as you search for God's will in this and as you raise the money if you are meant to go on this trip.
  4. MenifeeMom

    MenifeeMom New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    The Lord works in mysterious ways and nothing is impossible for Him. If he decides He wants you to attend this particular trip He will make it possible.
  5. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Thankyou ladies! Here's an update:

    We just last night decided it wasn't where God was leading for right now. But they're going again in October, so we think we'll shoot for that instead.

    This friend and I have a calling, a yearning, for missions, so I'm thinking God made us aware of this one because He has plans for us for the next one, or somewhere else, next year. It'll be nice to have the time to plan for it! When this same friend and I went to Kenya, we had a little less than 2 months to plan. That time we both felt a strong YES from God to go, and my dh was in total agreement. This time we didn't get a yes, and my dh wasn't sure it was the right time to go either. So we're not going on the trip in February, but we're going to keep praying and working toward going somewhere, wherever God may lead, next year!

    Thanks again for the prayers!
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  6. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    That would be awesome to go on a missions trip. Our church is sponsoring a feeding center in Romainia and some of the congregation will be going to visit sometime this next year. I would LOVE to go... But $2000 is way out of our range right now. And hubby says no way do I go out of the country without him.. We definately can't afford $4000.. Then someone would have to keep our kids. Just not in the cards for us.
  7. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Having traveled the world quite a bit and having visited a number of very poor countries, maybe I can pass along some of the principal lessons I've learned (and sorry, Deena, for repeating some things here):

    1) Be paranoid about water. Drink only bottled water from trusted suppliers. (Some unscrupulous vendors refill empty bottles with local water, so be careful.) Refuse ice in your drinks. Don't eat salads or anything else that may have been washed. Close your mouth in the shower, and even avoid water getting in your eyes. Use bottled water to brush your teeth, and include a couple of spare toothbrushes because I guarantee you'll forget at least once and put your brush under running water. Avoiding local water is the single biggest precaution you can take against getting sick.

    2) Be sure to have the appropriate vaccinations. In south Asia, shots against Hepatitis A and B are worth having (it's actually a series of shots, so plan in advance). You should also have shots for polio and tetanus. For some big cities (e.g., New Delhi), the shot for meningacoccus is a good idea as well. For the record, it's a good idea to have the yellow fever shot when traveling to Africa, but it's not really needed for India.

    3) Take Imodium and some paracetamol. I've never needed them, but it's good advice to have them anyway.

    4) Take cash with you and exchange when you arrive at the airport. Don't convert it all at once (you'll have hundreds of bills if you do), but you'll need plenty of small bills.

    5) Be mentally prepared to face extreme poverty and begging. Much as you might want to give to young girls carrying baby sisters and wandering among traffic, they are working under duress for someone else - so don't give. Give in a planned way - e.g., by sponsoring a child upon your return.

    6) In India, there are people everywhere and at all times of day. The place smells a lot, but you soon get used to it. The level of hygiene is rather poor, so I hope you have a strong constitution!

    7) In India, dogs roam everywhere - and you'll often see cows wandering too. It's never put me off walking in India, but be aware of the dogs.

    8) India is quite safe if you're with a local - and I've often gone on walks with my friends. There are exceptions, though, such as in the Northeast and the Northwest.

    9) Always arrange for prepaid taxis. There are plenty of scams around, some of them rather clever. Even with an official taxi, know the approximate fare in advance. Once, when I asked for the fare, the driver responded "whatever you think the ride is worth". When I gave him what I knew to be the correct fare, he was very disappointed!

    10) The Indians follow a useful rule with their hands. The right hand is the clean hand, so Indians always eat with their right hand. You'll cause disgust if you eat with your left hand. The left hand is the unclean hand, which they use to wipe themselves, open doors, etc. It's a good idea to follow this practice because you can't use hand cleansers every five minutes.

    11) Most educated Indians speak English, but the poorer classes do not. There are 22 official languages in India and hundreds of local languages. On the whole, though, you should have no problem.

    12) Don't attempt to drive in India! Drivers are quite cheap. For example, most traffic lights are viewed as colored decorations. There are usually twice as many lanes of traffic as indicated by road markings.

    13) Being a British colony, Indians drive on the left, not on the right. Remember this if you ever cross a street.

    14) If you take a flight, the standard question will be "veg or non-veg"? Many Indians are vegetarian, so veggie meals are everywhere. Most are mildly spicy. (In the hotels, I just love mutton curry for breakfast!)

    15) India is like many countries rolled into one, and it's a beautiful place. Indeed, it's one of my favorite destinations, despite all the frustrations. It's very colorful, and I'm sure you'll come home with a sari. :) When you do go, I have no doubt you'll have a wonderful time. There are many Christians there and several Christian regions (e.g., Kerala).

    I'm sure I'll think of some other things, and don't hesitate to ask any questions. I've been to India many times.

    And if you haven't seen it already, go watch 'Slumdog Millionaire'. :)
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2009
  8. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Deena, my dear friend has been there. She is a nearly 90 year old woman who still walks the pavement daily spreading God's love without judgement just with encoruagement and telling people the truth that they need Jesus. She has been all around the world, i knwo cause I helped her put her stuff together. She even got to teach at a college there and was asked to stay longer than her visa said!
    She was asked by people higher up in certain countries to speak to them even a king that no one gets to get near was accidentely in the same elevator with her ( we know God does things in interesting ways) she could have been removed but she was kind and spoke the truth, the guard listened and even made sure she spoke to him again.

    In different countries like India you meet people from many places most different from our country. I only know from her book but wow!
    She was asked to go too this year but the Lord said no, so she is praying as she always does for the team.
    Be blessed, keep praying He will make a way if it is His will!
  9. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Ange & MenifeeMom--Thankyou so much for your encouraging words! I so agree! Thankyou also for your prayers!

    mommix3--We don't pay our own way to go, otherwise I'd never be able to go, as we could never afford the cost either! There are people and businesses who donate to things like this---they can't or don't want to go to a foreign country but for many different reasons (one being tax benefits), they want to donate. Also we do fund-raisers: dinners, auctions, yard sales, etc. If we pray about it and feel God wants us to go, we move forward, and know God will cover the needs! If God wanted you and your husband to go, things would work out! :)

    Steve, thankyou for these pointers! Some of them sound familiar for traveling to foreign countries in general--the bottled water for everything, etc! In 2005 our whole family went on a mission trip to Fiji to work on a mission school there. That was certainly a God-thing, there was NO WAY to work that out, but it all fell into place, and we were just awed! What a wonderful experience that was to have the whole family there! We had Immodium along and everyone else needed it at one point or another during our trip, except me (thankfully)! :) We used bottled water for everything there, and when I went to Kenya! When I went to Kenya (obviously another major God-thing, as I had not plans to go there 3 months before I landed in Nairobi!), we were very carefull about what we ate, but some still got sick from water or eating something. I soooo missed lettuce and tomatoes, and the first place I wanted to go when we got back to the US was Taco Bell! :D The beans there were so different, and having NO fresh veggies, which I love, was hard on me! So Taco Bell stuck out in my mind, for some reason! Good pointers Steve!

    Thanks TMom too!

    Anyway, thanks again, ya'll!

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