
Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by becky, May 17, 2011.

  1. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Geeze, I'm finding this hard to type, lol.
    Jeannie's going to school next year. She'll be in 6th grade at the christian school she currently takes specials at.

    It's been a tough year. She's been obstinate where math goes, sometimes taking two hours to do a dozen problems. I never sat and babied her through her work, I'd go read the next thing or wash dishes. It would be so aggravating to see the time go by and her just sitting there.:twisted: She understood the work, she just doesn't like the time you have to take to work it all out. Sooo many days we'd still be doing school till 8pm or so. And remember, our day was broken up by going to and from class, as well.

    There came a day that I decided enough was enough. Nothing I was trying was changing her behavior. I was sick of, and feeling terrible about, always being mad at her. I told her if the behavior didn't stop, I'd enroll her for next year. And so I did.

    So, big changes in store. The kids at the school like her already. She has a best guy friend, lol. The teachers like how quiet and nice she is. That's the homeschooler coming out, lol! She's actually shadowing in a 6th grade room tomorrow. And now she's sick, sober and sorry, lol. Too late, Jeanno!;)

    How do I feel?
    I see a bunch of positives here. She'll have a real teacher, the chance to make friends. I'll get to go to the gym, lol. My house will get cleaned, lol.
    I'm melancholy, too. We accomplished so much here. But- I'm not giving her up for adoption, lol. If it doesn't work out for whatever reason, she can easily be hs'd again. NEXT school year, lol. She must stick it out one full school year.

    Big news, huh?;)
  3. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    That IS big news! I bet she'll do well. :) Good luck cleaning the house, everytime I clean and blink it's a disaster zone again. lol :D
  4. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Jeannie will do great!!! So will you. You are both tough as nails. lol
    ...and, as you already shared, you always have the choice to switch back to homeschooling next school year.
  5. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I think she will be fine, too. She has blended in fine all year in specials. Any time there have been quizzes or tests, she has gotten good grades. I honestly thought someone would have razzed her over hsing, but it never came up. I got looks from just a few teachers there, as I'd be reading my teacher guides, but I see that as them feeling insulted. And to that I say 'get over yourself', lol.:lol:
  6. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    As Mommy, you have to do what you believe is best and right now this is it. :angel:
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Sounds like a good situation for her. I know you'll miss having her at home, but it might be the very best thing for both of you. And we both know that, just because she's at school all day, doesn't mean she's not learning from you other times, just in a different way. She's becoming such a young lady!!!

    You won't believe how many times I've felt like telling Phillip, "You think you've got it tough? Let me enroll you in a REAL school, and you'll see TOUGH!!!"

    Oh, OT, we got the results back from Rachael taking her Ohio Graduation Test. HS'ed kids don't need to take it, but she did because she's doing Cyber School now. She was totally unprepared...we thought we could take it in the fall, and she found out in the middle of Test Week that she needed it NOW; she was able to take it during Make Up Week (the following week). There were five different tests, you're suppose to take one each day, but they let her take them in three days. You need 400 on each one to pass; her lowest score was in the 460's, and all others were in the 480's. So I sure can't complain!
  8. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Sounds exciting!

    I wish we had a school that I approved of here to put Garrett in. I know the struggles you talk of, and they SUCK!! It makes life so hard to get through when every single day involves a school struggle.

    Enjoy your year, I know you will both do fine!
  9. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    That's dynamite for her, Jackie!! I'd have not been worried for her for a minute..cause I know her teacher!;)

    I don't mind her learning from someone else, I worry about her personality changing. I adore how quiet and nice she is. I love that she's such a decent kid. Even though it's a christian school, the kids there do not have to be christian to attend. I hope she doesn't pick up stupid attitudes.:roll: She has a ps friend I'm forever correcting, due to the junk she spews in front of Jeannie.
  10. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I thought of you as I made this decision, Sommer, cause I know the stress you had with Garrett. There is plenty about this school I don't care for, don't get me wrong! But Jeannie's attitutude as we hs'd was creating a huge, negative impact in our life. I was mad at her every day. School work was getting finished at 8pm nearly every day, so there was never time for anything else at all. One subject was always getting moved to the next day. Finally, I knew there needed to be a change.
  11. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    We have nothing here but a Catholic school and the public school unless we drive a good distance and pay a fortune. Not gonna happen. Our public school is a nightmare to say the least, but I'm really thinking of sucking it up and sending him anyway. I would keep the others home, but I just can't handle much more. Every day I tell myself that day will be better, we will play a game or do something fun and first thing in the morning he will throw his attitude in my face and it just ruins my whole day.
  12. *Angie*

    *Angie* Member

    Jun 22, 2007
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    Good for you, for recognizing what's best for your dd, and for your family. Whether that means homeschooling or public school. Personally, I think that's what really defines the "homeschooling attitude" for me. I wish you both a fantastic year!
  13. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I was to the point I hated waking up, Sommer. My first thought would be 'Great. Another school day.' And this was immediately upon waking up!:roll:

    This school gave us tuition help, or Jeannie wouldn't be there. I had wanted to use the tax refund for new furniture, but we used that for school, and the school helped with the rest.

    Sigh...I honestly, truly understand your feelings, Sommer. That big slab of dread is heavy, isn't it?:cry:
  14. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    It definately is heavy. I groan when I hear him get out of bed, every single day.

    I'm so happy that it worked out for you! There is a private secular school about 45 minutes away that I dream of sending him to.. but the tuition is about half of what Adam makes a year.

    I have also dreamed of Milton Hershey school, it would be free and it's a boarding school, but you sign over all gaurdianship to them and that just doesn't fly well with me.
  15. ivanna

    ivanna New Member

    Sep 17, 2010
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    OMG your situation remind me of mine so much!!! All the same 'symptoms" and the same cure - I am sending DS10 to school next year.
    The same sadness on DS's behalf here, too, but I feel relieved somehow, at least DH is not gonna bug me any longer saying: SEND HIM TO SCHOOL, SEND HIM TO SCHOOL, SEND HIM TO SCHOOL.
    I think she'll be ok at school, I also hoping they will learn some responsibilities there as well.
    Good luck!!
  16. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    My Jeannie is 10, as well.
    My husband was never, ever interested in our hsing. Never showed interest in what Jeannie did, never asked a single question. I think that was part of the problem all along. Never stepped in to discipline her when she wouldn't cooperate. It really makes me mad when I think about it.
  17. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Yep, I'm with you guys. This has been the year from.. Well, you know where.. As far as my 14 year old goes anyway.. We've been fighting with him for several years and now that he is older and has decided he WANTS to go to school I'm sending him.. I have mixed feelings about the whole situation though. It's good in one sense because a LOT of the chaos will be removed.. Then on the other side of that coin is the fact that I'm afraid he's not ready to go back because of his lack of cooperation in doing his work.. I'm afraid he's behind and will stay there. But if he stays home, I'm going to pull all my hair out and then HIS.. LOL It's hard to let him go though. Even if he didn't want to go, I think I would still send him; as hard as it is..
  18. ivanna

    ivanna New Member

    Sep 17, 2010
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    (((hugs))) - I am compassionate about hubby. Mine too, from the beginning let me know that I was weird and nuts, and that I was about to ruin our son's future and character. And I agree with you - this is a part of a problem in our case, too. Lord, how nice it would be if DH step in instead of putting sticks into the wheels. At times I wish I would be a single mom LOL not:(
    When DH goes to a 2-3 days business trip - everything is smooth and organized here, that is amazing.
    O.K. sisters, I did it, I said it, I blamed my husband and it feels good:oops::lol:
  19. ivanna

    ivanna New Member

    Sep 17, 2010
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    I totally understand your mixed feelings, because I have the same ones. Being happy of a decision being made, yet I worry about how DS will co-op with the school and peers.... and concentration... and other million things.
    The other day though, when he had some kind of a fight with his two best friends, I was so worried about how he can make peace with them, obviously more that him. Exhausted of being worried, I said to my son the weirdest thing: can you handle it yourself? Can I stop thinking of it? He said to me, literally laughing: hahaha, he said, OF COURSE you don;t have to think about it, Mom. You know why?- continued my son. Because you are not me.
    That opened my eyes somehow, that I worry about things that I shouldn't.
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    What wonderful insight on his part!
  21. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    The men are sometimes partly to blame. I think they just plain have no idea of the negative influence they give off when they behave like this. I'm not sure they understand the frustration they cause.

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