Experience Homeschooling High School

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by QueenGeek, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. QueenGeek

    QueenGeek New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    Hi. I asked this in another place. Does anyone here homeschool high school kids? What are your experiences? Can you teach advanced classes? Has anyone been able to successfully home school high schoolers and get advanced college credit like kids get with the AP program?

  3. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    I go there next year.

  4. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    To get advanced credit, there are many different ways. You can do what's called "Running Start" here, I know they have it all over, but with different names. That's where they take some credits at the local college and get highschool and college credit. Sometimes other colleges accept those credits, and sometimes they don't, however.

    Another way is to do CLEP testing. It's kind of hard to explain, so let me see if I can find the website...here it is: www.collegeboard.com My ds13 and ds15 are studying for a US History CLEP right now. Not sure when they'll take it, just when they're ready. The site also shows places that give the tests. Many of them have them on-going. You just call and say you want to take this certain test on this day, and you can. It's nice, cuz then you can do it when YOU are ready, not someone else's cut-off date!

    You may want to read the book: "College Without Compromise", by Scott & Kris Wightman. It talks about the CLEPS and other means to get college credit going while still in highschool. It can save a BUNDLE on college costs!

    There's a lot of help available on-line or with tutoring. I'm thankful my dh is great in math, so he helps the boys with that, cuz they are past my level! :eek: At least I can still handle my dd's 6th grade math....well, mostly! ;)

    The other subjects my oldest does pretty much on his own. There are many curriculums out there that make it fairly easy to homeschool highschool!

    I don't remember if you want secular or religious---but Bob Jones is a challenging curriculum in highschool! We did the DVD program for 10th grade with my oldest last year. He had to work really hard! It was good, he's been used to coasting through!

    Anyway, there are some others. Keep asking questions and we'll try to answer them as best we can!
  5. momothem

    momothem New Member

    Feb 20, 2007
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    I'm very grateful for that link Deena. I plan on hs'ing all the way through and it makes me very nervous. My oldest is is 6th now and I see 9th looming in the not so distant future.
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I'm almost there! Rachael will be 8th grade next year. We're already starting "upper level" math and science, plus this year I enrolled her in an EXCELLENT writing class for middle/high school kids.

    HSLDA has a special link for high school, but I don't know what it is right now.

    Where I live, I'm very blessed with LOTS of alternatives. We have several co-ops in the area where I can have her take upper level classes. Carl has also come to the realization that HE will be needing to take over the math, and is becoming more and more willing to do that. This year, I've only had to ask him help on occassion, but when I need it, I NEED IT!!! He's going to have to go over her math tonight, because she missed a LOT, and it's beyond me!

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