Do YOU want your students to go to College

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by gizzy, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. gizzy

    gizzy New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    Well, do you?

    I know alot of people are going to duck out and say that they want their kids to do whatever to make them happy/fulfilled/whatever, but if you reply, please pick a Yes or No answer and expound if you can.

    We all know that your children are very, very likely going to grow up and, ultimately, do what ever they want to anyway, but do YOU the teacher-parent, want THEM, the student-child, to go to college?

    Did you go to college?
    What did you do after Highschool?
  3. zombientraining

    zombientraining New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    I do want my son to go to college or trade school or something.
    He loves animals, and I could totally see him as a vet, or vet tech.
  4. lonegirl

    lonegirl New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    I would like him to find a career path that makes him happy and he finds success in. Does this mean College/University? Maybe yes, maybe no.
    I went to university for 3 years...did a little of everything because I didn't know what I wanted to do (no degree)....then I went to college and am now a vet tech (14y now)
  5. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Yes, I want all my kids to go to college. College is a great place to learn. Even if my kids don't need a degree for their career choice I want them to go to college and take classes of interest. I loved college, but after 6 years I was ready to be done.
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Yes for Rachael, not sure quite yet for the other two.
  7. 2boysmomma

    2boysmomma New Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    ABSOLUTELY! DH and I were talking and we feel like it will be pretty expected. We hope to create an environment now where they are excited about learning and want to continue an education. We almost expect grad school, too! I went to college, but didn't apply myself very well, didn't do well, but did finish with a bachelor's. DH went all the way through and got a Ph.D. Our oldest loves anything space, rockets, etc. He has said he wants to work on the International Space Station. I will do everything I can to help him reach that dream. I don't ever want him to think that it's out of reach. We've already discussed that it requires lots of studying, hard work, school, college, grad school. We've looked up bios on current astronauts and their degrees and experience.

    I've tried to go back and work towards getting into nursing school, but right now I am putting my kids as priority. I can always go back later, but I made straight As in my A&P classes and other nursing prereqs that were challenging science classes. I never did will in science and I was so proud of myself for doing well. It boosted my confidence in my abilities to educate my kids at home. I no longer think that someone else can do a better job than me.
  8. pamark1

    pamark1 New Member

    Sep 10, 2009
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    Gretchen.......... yes, she would do well with some kind of art/drawing degree....she's our artistic one.

    Heidi............. yes! She has a love for animals and wants to be a zoo keeper... she will do something in that career field.

    Eli.......... yes! he is our inventor/mechanical one. My father is an Engineer and Eli would do well with that or some kind of a technical degree.

    ....... but what ever they want to long as it is productive, honest and ethical is fine with me. I do not believe that College is the answer to life....good or bad..... it is just a step, and not a necessary one.
  9. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    Definitely. If I had my way, they'd both preach full time, but I'd still want them to have a college degree in any area that interests them.
  10. eyeofthestorm

    eyeofthestorm Active Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I have no particular drive to send my children to college. We're trying to put some finances in place (We'll see how they work out), and I will fully support my children if they decide to go this route. I'd love to see them each get excellent liberal arts educations, regardless of what their career plans are.


    IME, many colleges/univ aren't offering true liberal arts educations any more. There's so much emphasis on "job training," and I'm always struck that my husband and my brother both, although they each have taken various college course, have no degrees and earn a great deal more than I could in my field. In fact, when we met, my husband was working part time and earning twice what I earned (with my fancy-schmancy MA). I enjoyed most aspects of my education, but my DH is a very well-rounded bright guy who is constantly educating himself.

    So, I guess, no, I have no burning drive to see my children attend college. But I do feel pressured to make sure they're prepared in case they decide .
  11. mom24boys!

    mom24boys! New Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    I want them to do whatever the Lord calls them to do.

    But if I have to answer, "yes or no" I would say:

    No to my 18 yo
    Yes to my 13 yo
    and don't know to my youngest two.
  12. rennick

    rennick New Member

    Jun 14, 2010
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    Yes for both. I'd like to see both with a Math/Science/Engineering related Bachelor's degree min., no matter what their ultimate goal. Both are academically minded enough that it's not an unreasonable expectation. That way, should they later in life want to change careers or get further education, they aren't starting from scratch.

    S1 wants to be a nanotechnology engineer, and will likely (based on HIS goals) go to graduate school (he's in 8th grade now). S2 wants to be a "scientist" but hasn't got any idea of a clearer goal.

    If my kids were different people than they are, I would stress a trade or professional certification vs. university.

    (Husband has an MSW, I finished my BSc at 32. Both of us will be in school part-time in the next 1-2 years to upgrade.)
  13. princemelissas

    princemelissas New Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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  14. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Honestly... Nope.

    I want them to do what they need to do to be who they want to be.

    Here is my situation... my mother WANTED me to go to college. I decided that I needed to move out on my own my JR year of high school.. I struggled to get through the rest of highschool and keep the roof over my head. After I graduated I went to work, there was no way I could afford school and to live so I decided to just live. Do I regret it now? Nope, now I think man I would have wasted all that money because I plan on being home with my kids till they are raised... and I don't need a degree to do that.

    My mother to this day thinks I'm not good enough because I didn't go to college and have a career... I never want my kids to feel like they have failed me, so I will never tell them I expect them or expected them to go to college.... I do however expect them to seek inside themselves and do something with their lives that makes them each happy.
  15. pecangrove

    pecangrove New Member

    Jan 13, 2007
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    I would like both my boys to go on to higher education, be it a technical/vocational school or university, so long as it will help them learn what they need for the job/career they want. I don't want them to go just to go, to end up with a degree in something they have no interest in.
  16. mom_2_3

    mom_2_3 Active Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    I would like them to get either a certificate or an AA whichever applies to their chosen profession.

    I would like to see my son in a trade such as welding. My husband is a Fire Protection designer so could also get him OTJ training in fire sprinkler installation if ds wants it. I think he'd do well in either trade.

    My daughter is the artistic one so I'd like to see her get in graphic design or similar. Something pursuing art.

    ETA: By the way, I did not go to college and so have NO idea where or how to start getting into college. I *think* AA is the 2 year degree, which I believe, is the basic degree. But I do know that I'd like them to go to Junior College because of the cost, not a trade school. I have alot to learn!
  17. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    Yes! only because I think there are learning experiences that can't be learned anywhere else. Both my dh and I attended college but neither of us have a degree. We don't care if our kids get a degree or not, we just want them to take classes on things they love.
  18. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    That is pretty much what we want/expect too. For sd she does not know what she wants to do so this year she is at a 2 yr school getting some basics down. With her we are afraid if she does not go now she never will get back to it. I would like her to get a 2 year liberal arts degree so when she does finally decide what she wants to do she can then focus on her major. There is a chance she may yet decide to do culinary arts but that is probably the only vocational program she is interested in so far.
  19. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    I agree with Sommer! If they NEED college for what they want to do then yes go to college, if they can get what they need by doing an apprenticeship or the like then go for it.

    I actually went to trade school in an 18 month program. I have an associate degree from Culinary School and all I can say is at least hubby eats well! Really it was a waste of money, but my parents were insistant that I attend college and so I did to please them, however once I got married and had children I quit working (other than brief stints in child care born of necessity) and stayed home to care for my littles. When I have worked it's been because we needed the extra money and it's never been in culinary.

    I don't ever want my boys to look back on life and say "what a waste of time and money" when they reflect on their college experience so I only want them to do if they want/need to. The only good thing about my college experience is that I met my DH there(sort of).
  20. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Our oldest is now a Physician Assistant - required bachelor's and masters degrees. No university, no PA.

    Our second is now a nurse - required a bachelor's and then a followup nursing degree. No university, no nurse.

    Our third graduated Georgia Tech and hopes to start a masters program in January (International Studies). Thoroughly enjoyed his time at Tech.

    Our fourth is currently in his sophomore year at a local university, taking computer courses and others.

    Our youngest two both plan to go to university.

    Reports show that a university degree increases earnings potential substantially. Of course, that's a general statement, and there will be student loans to repay initially, but it does reveal that those who invest in higher education do see a solid return on that investment.

    Plus, friends made at college tend to be lifelong friends - and our older daughter met her husband there.
  21. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Yes, I want them to go to college or some sort of trade school. My oldest is wanting to go to Texas Tech.

    My second child-yes, but he will probably end up doing mechanic work. He likes that sort of thing.

    Both my daughters-yes, I want them to go to college. My oldest daughter says that she wants to be a mommy and homeschool like me. I still want her to get a college education.

    I never went to college and really wish that I had. After highschool I took a course to be a nurse assistant and worked doing home health for about 4 years and then worked in a nursing home. Loved the people. Hated the job. Well, I hate the nursing home job. The home health was a lot of fun.

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