Do you buy Traditional TextBooks?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by JenniferErix, Mar 10, 2007.

  1. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    As with all homeschool families, we have investigated our share of textbooks and units and so on. We have found that for us, the traditional textbook model works better, in regards to spelling grammar and mathematics.

    I am talking about the same books you would find in a tradional public school or private school.

    If you have used traditional publishers' textbooks, do you have opinions about the different publishers? Their style, price, kits? and so on?

    We have been looking at:
    HBJ (AKA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)
    Houghton Mifflin

    Price is MASSIVLEY reasonable, too!
    If you buy the text book for 2nd grade from one publisher, it is only $30, and the workbook is only $8! I could spend that much, easy if I was at boarders book store looking at playbooks.....

    I have several textbooks, here at home that we have mulled through and found them to be quite usefull. But I only know of those publishers that our school district uses and the publishers whose books I have found at the loal thrift stores. (I have HBJ 2nd grade writting book - consumable and I have one of the same companies 2nd grade spelling books.) I am looking to buy a second spelling book for about $3 on ebay to have a full set for the kids. (Sharing books is anoying, here as they get easily distracted)

    So, are there any that I am missing, in my investigation? I will probably go ahead and bu the missing spellingbook, but I didn't want to miss out on a great oportunity to get newer versions.

    Again, this is just for the cores of Math, Grammar, and Spelling. We have decided that for now, unit studies and lapbooking is working for us in regards to Science, Social Studies, Geography and Reading.

    Any ideas are welcome!
  3. She

    She New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I use Houghton-Mifflin, Steck-Vaugh, and McGraw-Hill workbooks.

    They are wonderful text and as a homeschooler with flexiblity...anytime your kids "have it" move on.

    HM has some practice book pages that go along with their basal readers. You might want to look at them as the practice books do include spelling list & activities. The workbooks are not expensive but you need the books that match up with the basal you are doing. kwim? Look for previous year editions versus the latest and greatest and you could save yourself some $$$$$

    If price on math is an issue you could look at Macmillian and Singapore. Singapore clicks along at a face pace so...if your child is weak in math...I'd stay away from it. lol

  4. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    That's the name I could not get off the tip of my tounge! Thank you!

    My twins are fabulous at math and sasha seems to be bringing up the rear very well, as she just turned four and is already doing pretty well in math...

    Anyway, awesome! Thank you!
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    We are currently using an old Algebra I book from HBJ. It's working pretty well for us. But for the most part, I don't use usual textbooks. They don't fit my teaching style. I have used McGraw-Hill workbooks (Spectrum), but this will be the last year for them.
  6. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I used Houghton-Mifflin math last year for K and found it didn't cover enough. For example, there would be an intro page, maybe two practice pages, then it would move to the next thing. There'd be a chapter review and cumulative review. Maybe if I'd had the TE it would have made more sense.
  7. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I went to the singapore site and downloaded the placement tests and get this...

    The twins are bored with most math. In fact, they freak us out, sometimes at how well they do.

    But that is measured against public school books and against LifePacs...

    When I downloaded the placement test and looked through them, they would be about 80% on 1A and probably only 50% on level 1B!

    Holy cow!
    The references are right! Singapore is advanced!

    I am impressed. Not disappointed! This is exactly what I was looking for.

    The fact that the twins would right now only do well on level 1A or 1B is just a testimate at the swiss cheese education they have had, while we look for a good curiculum. But the truth is, they love math and catch on very quick.

    I am excited about this!
    Thanks for reminding me.

    The placement tests are here....
  8. Julie

    Julie New Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    I have tried countless math curriculum (even put together some intro-algebra stuff for my oldest daughter who had a difficult time comprehending it)...
    Saxon is and was the best for our family; it constantly reviews concepts and gently introduces new ones.
  9. She

    She New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I typically calculate Singapore to be about a year ahead of most math programs. That is why I won't recommend it to someone with a struggler.

    We supplement with it because my son was getting bored with his math. "Yes, mom I know that 8 + 5 = 13" Anyway...I also love the way they introduce concepts.

    Glad you looked at it Jen.
  10. MelissainMi

    MelissainMi New Member

    Jun 1, 2006
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    thats for the placement tests..I'll have to print them off and give them to Madison. we use Saxon 1 math for Madison and she likes it, she is excelling thru math pretty good and constantly asks me questions in the car, out and about etc. I have been using a Houghton Mcmillian(?) Kite book for spelling, I havent found a language arts curicculm I can afford so we make ours up as we go pretty much.
  11. maddiesmom13

    maddiesmom13 New Member

    Feb 23, 2007
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    My Madison scored a 86% on 1B. She is in ps first grade right now. We will be hs next year. Should I go to 2A or stay on 1B since she got a 86%? TIA
  12. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I would go on to 2A. They will probably do some review, etc., so she should be fine.
  13. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I went to Barnes and noble tonight. Just had to get my fingers on some of those wprkbooks, to flip through them...

    They were WAAAAy simplistic, for me. Then again, they do bill themselves as being "Review" so I guess I cannot complain.

    The Spectums we ok, and there were books that billed themselves as a complete curriculum for the whole year. That is no right, because there is no science, or scoial studies or anything like that, and it is just worksheet review.... irritating...

    But I am happy with most of what we have, I have a ton of old 1980's text books and honestly, they seem fine. We'll see...
    Being a girl I get to change my mind at anytime, right?

  14. missinseattle

    missinseattle New Member

    Feb 18, 2007
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    The only traditional text books we have - and they really aren't text books in my opinion, are Miquon and Singapore. I'm following a classical model of education though.

    The Singapore I started with earlybird K 1B, 2A and 2B. Because according to their placement test that's what I needed. Was a bad day when dd took the placement test lol. Because when we got the books I ended up passing the 1B on to someone else and we finished 2A in just a couple days and only did about half of it. Looking at 2B now and we won't be spending much time in that either. I'm going to go ahead and order the 1st grade books for next year even though we'll still be working through Miquon. I use Miquon as my core and Singapore as supplmental but dd LOOOOOOVES math.
    Grammar I'm using First Language Lessons and while I sort of see it as a text book, it really isn't. I'll be ordering a spelling curriculum here soon so I suppose that could be considered a text book.

    Really, what is a text book? lol Are you referring to the hard back books? If so I don't have any
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I absolutely agaree with you about Spectrum, Jen! I've used their reading comp books, but even that is more "busywork" for when they're youonger. Phillip is finishing Reading Grade 2, and then we'll be done. I've bought the "complete curriculum" in the past, and it's still sitting around. I've bought the "Science" curriculum, and THAT'S still sitting around!
  16. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Jen, check into Great Source books ( These are affordable and put out by Houghton-Mifflin. I friend of mine uses them and likes them.
  17. timkelmom

    timkelmom New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    We have been using Alpha Omega Lifepaks since the beginning. I do supplement with other workbooks I find and my brother and step-mother work in PS. They sometimes grab me books that are being thrown away at the end of the year.

    We also do lots of stuff on-line and have software the kids use.

    We all know their education can not just come out of books, but they certainly make a good starting point.
  18. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Well some people like Pepsi and some people like Coke... But just because you drink Dr. Pepper, it doesn't mean I think you are wrong, of course....

    See, we were given a complete 1st grade curriculum of LifePacs for First grade! And we are very gratefull. Just do a search here on this forum about it, from last year.....

    However, once we closed the lifepac and went back to Textbooks for the basic 3R's... life became FUN again! Yea!!

    So, the point is, the LifePacs just did not work for us.

    So, We have a spelling book, a grammar, writing book and a math book. The Three "Rs"

    As far as Science and Social Studies (History and Geography) are concerned... we learned to do our own research and then we "Scrapbook" the information in a "lapbook".

    My children have learned more about ABC Order, Using the Dictionary, copywork and regurgitating what they read and translating that on to paper......than any other thing was have tried, by having them find the information and then scrapbook it.

    I was just curious of those who do use textbooks, which ones you are happy with...

    And by the way..... Mr.PIBB RULES!!! Anyone who drinks Pepsi or Coke or Dr.Pepper is a freak! hahhaaha! (Just kidding, obviously!!)
  19. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I keep saying it, but I really like the Rod and Staff English/Grammar! It's not very expensive and it's good! But I can see how it wouldn't be for everyone. It just happens to be working for us, at least right now.
  20. missinseattle

    missinseattle New Member

    Feb 18, 2007
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    I looked through the Rod and Staff website and really liked what I saw. But I already have a Grammar program- First Language Lessons. I've actually thought of ordering some things from Rod and Staff for supplemental work.
  21. timkelmom

    timkelmom New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    Thanks Jen. I will look for that thread. Like you said it's different for every child.

    BTW, Mr. Pibb ROCKS! If your not from the south and you've never tried it, you should.

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