Chronicles of Narnia?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by the sneaky mama, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. the sneaky mama

    the sneaky mama New Member

    May 5, 2007
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    I was on another forum and was surprised at the amount of people who had issues with the Chronicles of Narnia because it has witches in it.

    Furthermore, I was surprised at what was being quoted as "truth" about the books from some source of unknown origin. Just surprised I suppose but I'm curious--does anyone here have issues with the Chronicles of Narnia?
  3. Hippychick

    Hippychick New Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    I think it is like everything out there from Disney movies like Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty ect.. It really is what people believe and stand for. Like I have friends who will NEVER go to Disney for what they stand for but yet buy their movies and so forth. People are People....
  4. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I love the books myself. Amazing fantasty.
  5. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I don't have any problems with Narnia.

    I do know some who think that fantasy represents a type of evil or something and Narnia to them is no different. Like I know someone who puts Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Narnia all in one catorgory. That is fine...they all are fantasy but I don't discount ALL fantasy just because I may have a problem with some movies that just so happen to be fantasy. What the heck am I saying???? Basically...all fantasy should not get a bad rap just because some delve into things we do not want to expose our kids to. Was that better? LOL.

    I love fantasy! I don't think that conflicts with me not watching movies with witches or evil. I mean I love comedies and drama but I don't enjoy every comedy or drama, ya know?

    Ok...I will turn this circle into a straight line and walk right on out of here......
  6. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Not only amazing fantasy, but an amazing allegory for our Lord and relationship with Him.

    I simply adore the Chronicles. And, so far, I'm impressed with the movie that's already been released. There were so very few things changed from the book to the movie. And they were all such small things. I.E., When Father Christmas says in the film, "Battles are ugly affairs." in the book he says, "Battles are ugly affairs when girls get involved." (I'm going completely from memory here, but I'm 99% certain that is the exact quote).

    Anyhow, I see no issue at all. Especially since the witch represents the devil in a way that children can understand. It represents the sacrifice of our Lord in a way that children can understand. It represents the glory and power of the Lord in a way the children understand. From lines about Aslan like, "of course he's dangerous" to "he's not a tame lion, you know?", even I, as an adult, was even able to better understand the way Christ can be feared and revered with such love and devotion.

    As Aslan said, "I brought you to Narnia so you might know me better in your world."
  7. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I have to agree with what Amie said. Only wish I said it....just pretend I did. LOL.

    My kids learned quite a bit from my dh and I reading the book with them and watching the movie. We were able to discuss sin, Christ and spiritual matters in a way that they could visualize and understand. I think it is a shame for anyone to discount the genius of that book.

    I will also have to say that a movie will rarely be as good as the book...but Narnia did a wonderful job! I was impressed with that movie.
  8. the sneaky mama

    the sneaky mama New Member

    May 5, 2007
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    Just curious. . .it's not a forum where I'm comfortable asking why someone believes that way. . .w/o sounding purposefully argumentative--which I'm not. (LOL at least not on this! ;-)) I like Narnia too.

    My dh has read all of Tolkein and all of the chronicles and most of C.S. Lewis' other stuff.
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    We do Narnia, too. But I've a friend, a wonderful gal with great husband and kids, who won't do ANY fantasy. Carl explained to her the Biblical parallels in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. She took it home, read it herself and understood what he was saying, but still didn't feel comfortable with the fantasy. I think she feels that if she allows one, she's opening the door for all, and I can repsect her stand.

    Also, if you like Narnia, check out John White's books:
  10. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Hey to each their own right? I think it is neat that there are so many different opinions with each one doing what is right for their family. I like a mingle of ideas.
  11. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Personally my old ignorant self used to roll eyes and make fun of those who held beliefs, such as Any depiction of witches is "Of the devil".

    But I have learned that if I am going to respect my Islamic neighbors who segregate their children's activities based on gender, that I will also respect my other friends who wish to abstain from this item of entertainment. WITHOUT thinking they are crazy...

    Big leap for me. I used to be a heal.

    My kids watch Narnia and can't wait for part two to hit the theaters this summer...

    So anyone who does not watch it for religious reasons or simply personal beliefs, has my respect.
  12. AussieMum

    AussieMum New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    did you mean the movie or the books or both?

    I agree with the others that they are wonderful stories, but i can also see that the movie is a bit dark and scary in places. We have all watched it and enjoy it, but my kids are not little anymore, either. Sometimes the same concepts in a book are less scary than on the movies. b/c when you read it, you imagine it within your own frame of reference, so if you're a little kid, you imagine it like a little kid. But movies give you a very vivid image of how someone else has imagined it, and those someones are almost always adults.
  13. the sneaky mama

    the sneaky mama New Member

    May 5, 2007
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    No the issues were with the books. It's been a very interesting discussion on the 'other' forum and as it has unfolded I'm starting to understand a little better.

    There seems to be a small cache of people that take issue with the fantastical aspect of the books. There's a which, Aslan dies and that's supposedly demonic. . .blah, blah, blah. . .

    In any case, one of the women arguing against the book (LOL who says I love witch craft now) pointed out that if you're truly a Christian you homeschool and you do it to keep the evil world out.

    Ahem. . .well. . .that pretty much explains it for me. ;-) But I was curious to see what people on here would say. They quoted an article that had all sorts of false information. . .Christian propaganda I like to call it. . .but in any case, I agree. We've read some of the series, but my kids haven't seen the mocie. We'll probably let dd see the movie later this year. :)
  14. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    I just think it has to be the person or families choice. Everyone if different and everyone believes different things. But, me I couldn't see much different between this and other Disney movies and Harry Potter, but thats me so no green ones.
  15. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    :roll: As soon as a person starts claiming what a "true" Christian as a means to exclude people from Christianity then I feel there's little use in talking to them.

    I had a Christian friend who wouldn't read books with dark elements to her kids but she was very clear that it was her personal choice. That I respected. I fear I'd have absolutely none for that woman you're dealing with Sneaky Mama.
  16. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I don't have a problem with them at all.

    I think the imagery in the movie is too much for my kids at this age. I think my oldest would be able to handle the books, though.

    I don't think I'd let her start in the middle (which Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe are). If you're going to read the "Chronicles" you should start at the beginning.

    I like CS Lewis' writing a lot and read many of his books. I know when my daughter is old enough I will allow "The Screwtape Letters" (which is basically an elder demon instructing a younger demon on how to harrass christians and weaken their faith. To me, it's all about how to "gird your loins" so to speak).

    Sneakymama - Yes, I homeschool. Yes, I'm a Christian. BUT...I do not do it to keep the evil of the world out. I do it to prepare them to combat the evil with the truth! I also do it because homeschooling allows ME to be the influence in my kids lives rather than their friends. There are things that I will teach my evolution...but I WANT TO BE IN CONTROL of that so that I can show them biblical evidence as to why to us it is untrue. I'm sorry your friend is being judgemental towards you . That makes me sad. :(

    Anyway...I said lots of things before I was a parent, especially about Disney, etc. There are things we don't allow at least for now. I can't say I'll NEVER to anything because you just never know how your life and you will change thru the course of it.

  17. Earthy

    Earthy New Member

    May 4, 2004
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    We like Narnia. Good books! The movie was good too! They sure got that movie to look real! The hair on the Lion was AWESOME!
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Me, too! There's a big difference between making chices for your family, and making them for the entire world!

    Has anyone here read Randy Alcorn? He's written a lot of Christian fiction, and incorporates in them what he invisions heaven to be like. One has a 5yo girl who was killed. Her uncle was right in the middle of reading Narnia to her. So this little girl gets to heaven, and runs up to Jesus. Jesus says, "I think there's something you want to ask me......" And the little girl says, "Are you Aslan?" Jesus says, "I go by many names. Would you like to hear me ROAR?" Of course, that's fiction, but I still got the biggest kick out of it!
  19. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I agree!
    I really enjoyed reading The Chronicals of Narnia.
  20. timkelmom

    timkelmom New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    I love the books, the movies, all of it. You won't keep me away.

    Chronicals of Narnia: Prince Caspian will have me in the theaters for the first showing on Friday May 16 (my anniversary btw).

    Here is the trailer if anyone is interested.
  21. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I just can't wait for Prince Caspian!!! I've read and reread the books dozens of times (the first time was in college, sad to say). I probably won't let the boys read them/watch the movie until they are a little more mature, but even at 5, my oldest is pretty close. I would start with the books, though, for lots of reasons. Not the least of which is that I agree with the other poster about imagining things in an appropriate frame of reference.

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