A question about Prayer

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by JenniferErix, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Ok, yes, I consider myself Christian, No, I do not go to church, Yes, I ask a lot of questions... and yes, I promise not to get emotional. :lol:

    Ok, this is seriously bugging me. I have questions and I am curious, I am NOT making fun of anyone, NOR am I complaining. I am simply curious. And I do not know where else to get the answers.

    Why are Prayer Requests made? This makes someone's success seem to be based on a popularity contest. In other words, if you can get more people to pray for you, then you win. Please correct me, because I really do not understand how this works.

    2. What is the deal with "Statements of Faith"? Granted, I am behind the times, and I consider myself a lover of the "Old Time Religion". But, when I used to go to chruch you never had to sign anything to become a member of the church. This is weird to me, and almost offensive. I found one church, last summer that was just awesome for many reasons. Then we were told that we had to sign a statement of faith. I told the man, "Don't you find it ironic that I have to PROVE my faith??? Shouldn't this be between ME and GOD and without PROOF?" They felt that it was a NEW WAY to keep people, because it made them feel responsable to the church. I walked out. SO what gives? I find this everywhere.

    3. Is there a "Church Registry" or some place where a person can put churches side-by-side and compare their "Style" or beleifs? I only ask, because there really is a HUGE difference from one church to another, and visiting each church is impractical, and e-mailing the church does not work, I have tried. They never write back. Maybe there is a web site that explaines the different distinctions of Christianity. Like; the difference from prodestant to catholic and so on.....

    I have more questions, but I think this will do for now. Again, I can't fathom a world with out god, but this whole thing about so many different forms of christianity freaks me out. I am asking you guys because I have come to learn that you guys are real christians and that you have a tollerance for ignorant people, like me.

  3. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Hello Jen! Thanks for asking!
    I will try to answer what I am able.
    1. Prayer Requests are made known to others because in the Bible it says in Matthew 18:19-20 .....19 "Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."
    This is Jesus talking to basically everyone who is listening. That includes us. :)
    So, its not a matter of the more prayers the better, but as a lot of us pray for some but not for other needs depending on what we know about or have experienced. What I mean by this is that we have all been through differnt things and because of that we can pray for someone else who is going through a similar thing.
    Prayer requests being told someone helps us also know that we are not alone in our struggles... ( I can go on all day on that topic sorry). Yes God will hear your prayers and answer them when you pray them. But then there is the story also of the man who did not have enough faith on his own , the faith of a few close friends helped him that way.
    Private msg me if you want to know more about this subject if you want to. I love answering questions for people. If I do not know the answer I will look in the Bible untill I can find it.
    2. Some churches have you sign a form now days for a "statement of Faith" becuase you become a voting member of a church. They just want to make sure that the persons who are voting for a Christ like thing is living a Christ filled life. Does that make sence? I think so, mainly because if I was to vote as a Christian for a Muslim or any other type church for that matter, I would not have a clue what they would want and I would vote as a Christian would. At any rate it is basically to determin what your standing with Christ is.
    3. The best Church registry I find is praying myself and asking the Lord to direct me into a church.
    If you were in my area I would invite you to check ours out. You want a Christian church to be one that follows the Bible, stands up to the scripture test so to speak.

    I do not think there is a site online that outlines such beliefs.. but if you want a basic, my idea of a few Christian styles ... private message me so I don't start a debate hehe.

    So basically, you believe in Jesus as your Savior and all that right? I didn't go to church for a year after I accepted Him as my Savior, and then it was after I got baptised and was invited to check out the church I went to for that> I have to say I prayed the whole time, and read my bible an hour a day and two on Sunday... I figured I had heard that someplace. I also paid attention to what I was reading, when God spoke of being Baptised I followed His lead in that area... my testimony is available if anyone wants it just ask.
    I will end this, as you can tell I love sharing information about the Lord!
    Like I said, thanks for asking feel free to ask more! I will try to answer at least!
  4. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    We pray mainly to be closer to God, to have a personal friendship with Him. When Jesus gave us the Lord's Prayer as a model of how to pray, it included a section to pray for our needs. "Give us our daily bread." Of Course, God already knows what we need, but His desire is to be close to us personally, not to just automatically give us everything. So we pray for out needs and wants and talk to God about them even though He already knows. Praying for others needs is an extention of that. We are supposed to "Love our Neighbor as ourself" so we pray for them as much as we would pray for our own needs... out of love for them.

    Using Jesus' life as a model for our own behaviour is another reason we pray for others. Jesus prayed for otehrs as well even on the cross He prayed for His enemies. "Father forgive them, they know not what they do." When Jesus prayed for others he prayed for the will of the Father.. We should do the same when we pray for people.

    As for the popularity contest.. this is about spiritual warfare actually. Think of it this way...
    The Bible Says "12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Eph. 6:12 it also says "20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."Matthew 18:20 So the picture is not of lots of people begging God but instead a picture of Two armies.. one of 'spiritual forces of evil' and the other of Christians who pray and fight against them. Since God promises to be with us when we have two or three.. who'd want to fight an army in a battle mostly on their own?

    Ine last reason to get other Christians to pray for us is that none of us is perfect, especially in the midst of a trial. If I'm very upset.. I may not LISTEN for God's answer as clearly on my own. Another Christian who is not directly involved may be more likely to listen for his voice as well as remember to pray for God's will to be done, that is not necessarily What I'm praying for.. I mean Most of us will pray for the pain to be over quickly if we are praying for ourselves. Sometimes the pain ending sooner is not what's best for us.

    The reason I see for statements of faith is that (sadly) there are SO many various denominations out there anymore. Some of them, frankly, believe some wierd stuff IMO. First of all I like to see a Churches Statement of Faith to help me know that I'm not joining a group that is going to try and convince me down the line that the Branch Dividians were right all along! Secondly I can see a church wanting people to sign such a statement because after some time in the church you may want to teach sunday school or lead a Bible study, that would put you in a position of authority over others. They don't want find out two years later that you've been teaching all the kids something that conflicts with their beliefs. I personally wouldn't be offended. There are just so many variations out there anymore I see it as a way to be upfront and honest with people about what is considered truth and what isn't.

    There isn't an official registry but there are some websites that try to lay it out side by side. I posted a link to one awhile back... I'll hunt it up for you.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2006
  5. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    "There isn't an official registry but there are some websites that try to lay it out side by side. I posted a link to one awhile back... I'll hunt it up for you."
    I would like this link too! It would be helpful in my work thanks!
  6. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    YAY I found it. Thanks to the search feature on this forum :)


    there are a tons of comparison charts. they derived them from the Statements of Faith from each Church I think. The accuracy could be off though because there are variations even within Denominations but for the most part it seems to be fairly accurate since the responses came from each denomination (some from the heads of the denomination and some from just a church in that denomination)
  7. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Oh! Thank you!

    I will write you.
  8. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I totally get that! Thanks!

    I wasn't thinking there would be an official registry of churches, so much as I was thinking that (In the world of the internet where everything seems to be online) that there might be something like that.

    I do klnow that while learning about the similarities of Christians, Jew and Muslims that there are tons of sites that compare them. So, I thought there may be some sites that compare differences within Chritianity. I think I use the wrong search terms, because I get nothing,w hen I search. (Story of my life! haha!)

    Thank you again, seriously, this is great.
  9. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    You are the search MASTER!!

  10. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    So you guys are saying that when we get more people to pray for someone, who is ill, for instance that the more people we get, is like the more soldiers on the battelfield against whatever evil we are praying against? I totally get that. That makse more sense.
  11. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I'm glad that helped :) spiritual warfare gets hard to explain sometimes.

    If you didn't notice from the length of my post LOL.. I enjoy answering questions too.. Feel free to PM questions anytime as well.
  12. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    You did an awesome Job Syele at explaining spiritual warfare, give yourself an A! :)
  13. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    LOL thanks.

    **Syele adds an A to her Report card**
  14. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I agree completely with the other gals here. One thing I would stress to you is when building a relationship with Christ and trying to find a church you can trust, the most important thing to me IMO is that it is a bible teaching church. The bible is God's guide for life for us. It teaches us how to have a realtionship with Him and others. I, personally, check everything against what the bible says. Like one of the gals said, there are so many diferent variations of christianity. I used to get VERY caught up in that. I started praying that God would show me His truth. I then realized that I am not supposed to focus so much on variations as much as I am to focus on my relationship with God himself. Our personal relationship is what matters most to God. The other things are important, but if you focus on your relationship first and foremost, He will help you understand the rest and will show you where He wants you to be. There is a GREAT book called "Experiencing God" written by Henry Blackaby. It is a great book and I highly reccomend it.
  15. Marylyn_TX

    Marylyn_TX New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    The answers you are already getting are fantastic! Just one quick note: a lot of individual churches have websites, so if there is one you are interested in visiting, you can check them out first. Most of them will include their Statement of Faith on the webpage so you know what they believe. Here is an example (chosen because I know people who go there and I think it is pretty close to you, but not for any other personal reason... :D ): http://www.sugarcreek.net/

    ~ Marylyn :)
  16. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Hoosier Mama >>>

    I totally agree. Worrying too much on any specific detail or trying to anylize anything too much is pintless, especialy religon. I try not too.

    Now, what I think would be interesting is to see if there are any more people like me around. I will describe myself and you tell me where you think I belong. This could get funny..

    I am 36 with three kids and maried for 15 years. DH and I think the entire world has gone mad. (Ok, so we are not SO different from most folks! haha) Anyway... We both believe in God, and we both know that Islam, the Jewish faith and Christianity worship the same God. (The three just argue over the details.) We know we are Christians, when it comes down to it.

    I think my idea of church is outdated and probably doesn't even exist anymore. Although I am only 36, I spent the first third of my life living in the "Sticks" You would have thought it was the "Great Depression" era. (I ADORE the 30's by the way!!) And so, when I think of church I think of "Old TIme Religion" where no one said "Born again Christian", or "Statements of faith" .

    You simply sat down and "Hush Your Mouth" in church.

    Also, where I grew up your "Relationship" with God was never spoken of. It was TOO personal. Other than church and at the table, you did not really openly pray. And you certainly would not get cought praying for things like a soccer game (Lest you get smacked by big old bertha! haha!)

    Also, women always wor a scarf to pray under, and although we were not Pentecost, we never wore pants in public. (My aunt was that lady in the food store with a "House Dress" and pink curlers in her hair! haha!)

    When I go to todays' Churches, (The mega church LAKEWOOD, took over my husbands business at the Compaq Center, where the Hosuton ROckets used to play. My husband used to run that building) When I go there or any of hte NEW churches I get this weird sticky feeling that the one thing they forgot was God, himself.

    Sure they are pretty and they have tons of things for you to buy in the bookstore or cafe, but it is just of-putting to me. Everywhere I go, churches are trying to be just like the mega churches. BLAH!

    I want to hear the group ALABAMA sing some Hymns and I'll be good! Amen! :lol:

    So, where do you guys think I fit?

    See? Told you I was weird!
  17. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Oh, hon thanks! I knew this. But you know, I think I am off-putting, because I write to their email address with questions and I never hear back. I must be the local nut! hahahaha!

    That's ok.
    Thanks for the link I will go look!
  18. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    hmm part of your description reminds me vaguely of the old-time baptist churches I've visited but other parts would conflict there.

    My questions for you are diffrent though...

    What leads to your conclusion that those Gods are one and the same God? This is something that will conflict with many denominations so it is relevant here.
    Do you believe the Bible is the ultamate source of information about God? and if not What is?

    I have to say that I don't agree with all the points you listed, but you didn't ask me if I agreed just what chouch those Ideas fit with. I don't think I can answer where you'd fit without more info.
  19. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    OK... How do I reply to this... (Let me first try to tackle the first questions) and please understand that I did not take offense to any of the questions you asked... they're valid questions.

    I have been known (and make it no secret) that I have often requested prayer support from the ladies here. I have done so because I believe (like many others have said) that "where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them". I believe that there is strength in numbers and to be totally honest when I'm in the middle of yet another knee bending, character building trial (because that's what they are), I don't always hear what God is saying to me and so it sometimes comes through the words others have shared with me.

    Prayer is the most important activity of our lives. It is a personal conversation with God - the whole Trinity is involved.

    To be a member of our church, I have to:
    1) be a born again believer - to acknowledge that I am a worthless sinner unable to get to heaven on my own (all the good works in the world aren't going to get me there) and to confess my sins to Him, to acknowledge that He paid the price for my life on the Cross - a punishment He did nothing to deserve and to invite Him into my life to be the center control of it.
    2) be baptised by immersion (which is an act of obedience) `and`
    3) attend membership classes. Once I have completed those classes, my name is presented before the other members to be voted on.

    The church registry... I'm not sure how to answer that one (or if I should even attempt to). The church (whether it's Catholic, Baptist, Weslyn, etc) isn't what makes you a Christian - it's your profession of faith that does. The *c*hurch is a local body of believers who come together to fellowship with other believers. The *C*hurch is the global body of believers now and from the past...

    As for views of what church is or isn't right (old time or modern), here is my perspective... When you love someone SO intimately, you want everyone to know about it. It's hard not to want to share something that is so good and something that EVERYONE can have. I can't imagine living life not being able to talk about my best friend and being hush about it... I would fall to pieces.

    Jesus saved a wretched sinner like me and it's not His will that anyone should perish and so it's a commandment of His to me (and to every other believer) to go into all the world and share the Good news of salvation.

    Ok... off my soap box (by can I get carried away). I do not mean to sound belittling at all - please forgive me if that's the tone I have set - never my intention. Just wanted to share a persepctive and I got carried away.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2006
  20. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    To me, asking someone to pray for me gives me the comfort of knowing they are petitioning God on my behalf. I will be praying to Him as well, for myself and the needs of others. Someone else posted about when two or more are in agreement, and that's an important point, too.

    Our family had wacky February, and I am positive all the prayers pulled us through.

    To be a member at my Baptist church you have to be a born again believer and be baptized by immersion, or be accepted by a letter of transfer from another church.
    To be born again you have to think of it as The ABC's of Salvation-
    Admit you are a sinner
    Believe that Jesus is our Savior and that he died for our sins
    Commit your life to Him

    Visit a bunch of churches to see what you like. A real church should preach the Bible as the absolute word of God and not deviate from it. They must preach that Jesus is our Savior, God's Son. They must teach that our relationship with God comes through our relationship with Jesus.

    I think you'll find that real Christians want to share their faith. There are so many dead in sin that it's actually our duty to share the Gospel with them.
  21. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    In every history book. Discovery Channel, bible class, conversations with others and so on....

    (When re-reading this, the BOLD words looked rude. They're not intended that way, they are intended to show emphasis.....) ;)

    The Jew, Islamics and Chritians worship the same God. They are like brothers who fight over HOW their father told them to worship. But they all will tell you they worship [size=-0]"the GOD of Abraham".[/size]

    Christians (NEW TESTAMENT BELIEVERS) believe that Jesus was the son of God, the Messiah.

    Jews (Also known as "OLD TESTAMENTS") believe the Messiah has not come yet.

    Islam believes that Jesus existed and the Koran even mentions him and it mentions Jews and Chritians as brothers. But they believe that Mohamed was the true profit of God, our Father.

    We all worship the same Father, we just have split into three divisions of WHAT we are to believe of our Father and HOW we are to worship him.

    Like Christians believe that God made us in his own image. WHereas Islam teaches that there is no other entity like God and to suggest otherwise is blasphamy. But it is still the same GOD, each of our "Bibles" talk of the same God.

    This division did not end there. We have been spliting our churches along belief lines ever since. (Think First Baptist and Second Baptists). Which seems so wastefull.

    But I have a swiss cheese education. So I am FAR from the person to teach anyone anything about religion.

    And I totally appreciate everyone who has commented on this.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2006

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