Setting goals for the year

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by becky, Apr 17, 2005.

  1. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    How does one do this? Do you use state standards, p.s. standards??

    Right now I don't set goals. When we finish something I figure an unspoken goal has been set, KWIM??
    For example, when we finished our body study I was like, okay, now she understands how our bodies work, she understands why good food is important, and she's no longer afraid of skeletons. Goals met!

    So, how do I start being more official with that?
  3. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    school goals

    I think goals come into play when kids have been taken out of public school. Then you mind sit is always how do they compare to ps kids. Ansley was taken out 6 years ago now and I still do that. Way too much!!!!!! My goals are where I feel we need to be for the year and that is ps sounding I know. LOL
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    My goal is to get through the math/hisotry/science book, etc. with them retaining what they learned! I'm not really any more specific than that!
  5. Mom2ampm

    Mom2ampm New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I read through our public school's curriculum goals for each grade level. Then, I mentally make note of things we really need to work on or cover. I go through each textbook and make sure those things are addressed. Anything not in the ps curriculum is an added bonus. I just want to make sure she's getting at least the basics.
  6. abcTammy

    abcTammy New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    Do you need to set goals as a state requirement? I think they can be a good motivator and you can keep them simple. At the end of each year, I do an evaluation of my kids and myself. Then I use it to set my goals for the next year. I think Donna Young has a goals check list on her web site.
  7. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Oh, I'm not sure what the state says about goals. I'll have to check. I just wanted to see what everyone else was doing, and it seems like there's no 'official' way to set goals.
  8. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I was glad to hear you say that, cuz that's what I do! Math/History/Science are what we work through, and make sure to finish. I can fudge some and go our own direction with the history and science, but since I'm not good at math, I help where I can, and my husband helps, but we make sure they finish the books so they have the stepping stone to build on and don't get way behind on that.

    Our local Christian school lets us take the ITBS test with them each year, and my kids always get in the 85th - 99th percentile, and I DON'T TEACH TO THE TEST!!! They learn well, and learn to pick up on things easier or something. Anyway, I'm getting off the subjecr. I'm just saying, with the goals I have they still do well on tests and things. More importantly (and how!) to me is that they are learning and retaining the knowledge for a stronger and wider base to build on! I do NOT go by the ps lists, cuz we find stuff that is much more interesting to us and have a great time! :D

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