Ancient History stuff...

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Deena, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

    Jun 19, 2004
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    If anyone finds the magic button or fix, please post it. I only had to try to find the site twice today. :lol:

    LOL, on the subject of history, my dd came into my room last night to announce we aren't doing enough lately. Then she said, "I'm going to write out another report." I'm smiling and suggest using one of the abcteach fill in the blank sheets. She said, "No thank you I'll write it myslef." Wow, she is or used to be my reluctant writer :wink: . I'm just loving history around here today.
    Happy Homeschooling everyone~
    Tammy :D
  2. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Yeah Tammy,

    Isn't that GREAT?! That is neat that your dd WANTED to do more! :D

    We've been busy lately and haven't had a chance to get much done. Last night, though, we finally had some time, and my younger two and I made lego pyramids while my husband helped our oldest with his algebra. It was neat to have the whole family there together working on stuff!

    My daughter used the longer lego blocks for her pyramid, so it came out bigger than the one my son did. They then decided to make two more small ones so they could have the larger one be Cheop's (Khufu) large step pyramid, and the three smaller ones for the queens pyramids! They had a great time setting them up sort of like (as close as you can make legos look) the real ones are set up! I still need to take pictures of them with it, so they can add that to their History notebook.

    I had a bit of a hard time getting here yesterday. Pressing refresh has never worked for me. I just have to come back later and try again.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Those pyramids sound cool. My ds wants to build one. I like your kids idea of expanding the project. Too cool 8)
    Anyone using SOTW audio tapes? I'd love to give my vocal cords a break. I might get them during the B&N sale.
  4. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I didn't know they had audio tapes! So far I think we're doing okay without them. We take turns reading, cuz my kids are older (7 and 11). How old are your kids Tammy? I have the older one do extra things the younger one doesn't, but often times she wants to do all the stuff he does! Isn't it just terrible when you can't hold'em back from wanting to learn more?!! NOT!!! :D I keep wishing I would've come across this sooner!

    I was talking with another mom, and she said, "Wow, you know so much about Egypt!" It was actually kind of funny for me, cuz I never learned this stuff in school, I am just learning it right along with the kids! :lol: I told her we were all just so excited about it and did such fun activities that it made it much easier to remember!

    So, what's wrong with us homeschool parents, making learning fun?!! So therefore having children who better retain what they learn?!! :lol: Ya gotta love it! :lol:
  5. Amanda

    Amanda Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 28, 2001
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  6. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    My 7-yo dd expanded the project again. I was switching being at the computer and doing laundry, and she said, "Mommy, can you come in a minute and look at what I did? I'll call you when I'm ready." A couple of minutes later she called that she was ready and I went to see what she had done. She had found a palm tree and some reed and bush looking stuff, made some house things, and used two small green base boards as a bottom, then put blue flat legos through it to make the Nile river. She put those adjescent to the pyramids they had made to (in her own words!) "make the Nile Delta area near Khufu's Pyramid." She also used some red flat legos in a big square, and put it a ways away from the rest of it, and said, "And THIS is the Red Sea." That's 3-D map work, eh? How cool is that?! 8) And how much more fun than just coloring a picture already made for her?! It certainly shows me that she has been learning and retaining what we've been doing!
  7. abcTammy

    abcTammy New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    I tried the link and it said, no such link exists too.

    History is so much better this way. You are so right. I'm learning right along with my kids:) I think I'm going to try the audio SOTW. We do so many read a louds here, no one can keep up. My dd, 10 (nearly 11 as she would say.) always brings out the sports drink when its her turn to read. Ds is 7 and just enjoys listening while he keeps moving.

    I'm hoping this post goes through and I'm able to sign out.
  8. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    WOO HOO!!! :D I got there, I see that forum, life is great! :lol:

  9. Amanda

    Amanda Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 28, 2001
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    The link works now, so you can track the connection problems in that forum now. :)
  10. Shaina

    Shaina New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Lego pyramids?!? What a great idea! DS spends so much time playing legos, I never thought about using them for school :eek:)

    We started an art project yesterday. I traced King Tut's burial mask (the one from sotw activitiy book) onto a piece of cardboard. DS is going to make a mosaic using beans and rice. This will be the last project in Egypt for us - we'll be moving on to Greece next week. There are so many wonderful ideas, I know I need to move on or else we'd be in Egypt all year.

    Thanks for the great ideas - I love hearing about them.
  11. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Isn't your ds in 1st grade? You're so blessed to have found this stuff for him at that age! I think it's great to keep moving through this stuff for him! Since my kids are older, I decided to go ahead and allow them to dig deeper, since they're loving it so much! I'm thinking we may not be able to finish all of the ancient history by the end of the traditional school year, but that's okay, we really don't have to! We'll keep doing things over the summer, as many of us do, and MAYBE we'll be done and ready to start the Middle Ages by the traditional start of next school year! :) We're getting a little off-track, since we chose to do all (or most) of the Egypt stuff in one swoop, instead of coming back to it later. But oh well, whatever works, we are all just learning so much! We had done the SOTW myth of Osiris and Set, and today while looking at other things on-line we found a completely different myth. It wasn't that long, so I chose to dictate it to them, so we could have practice with punctuation, etc. Then they put todays date, where we found the info., and added it after the other myth we wrote about in December. That was kind of cool---our own find! 8)

    I took pictures of our lego pyramids, also of the "Nile River and surrounding area" that my dd added if you want to see them. I'm going to print those out and they'll add them to their History folder (We're doing that later today). Fun, fun, fun!!! I wish MY schooling would've been this fun and still learn so much! :wink:
  12. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Well, we're gonna FINALLY do it---We're starting the Egyptian Tomb project, from the Nat. Geographic site, this week! It's a big project, but I think it'll be a great learning experience! I've known about this, and was going to do this LAST year. Now I am FINALLY getting around to it!

    I'm having my 9th grader doing more reading and research papers, so his isn't quite as fun as the younger two. But he joined in with us on making the cuneiform tablets, and will be doing this project with us as well. If all goes well, I will give the info. to my friend who is debating starting this idea (the classical stuff and going through the 4-year cycle). She can double up her kids (she has 5, including one set of twins) and just do a couple of the tomb projects. They can work together on the project.

    Anyway, we're moving along. HOW IS EVERYONE ELSE DOING?
  13. Shaina

    Shaina New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Deena ~

    It's so neat to read how much fun you're having! I love that you found another myth about Osiris and were able to take some time for it. Isn't that the beauty of homeschooling...when something catches our eye we can stop and take a look.

    My ds is actually in 3rd grade. I also have two dds one is in kindergarten and the other is almost 3. We will definately be going over ancient history again in 4 years. Egypt has been so much fun that we've had a hard time moving on. My goal (like yours) is to be done with ancients and ready to move on come September. I still want to begin a timeline. There are so many choices/options that I'm having a hard time deciding what to do. I need to make a decission and get started!

    I looked at the tomb project and it looks like loads of fun! I think we'll wait until our next go around with ancients to tackle it. That way the girls will be older. Right now ds is working on a bean/rice mossaic of King Tut's burrial mask. It looks really cool - he's taking his time on it and doing a very nice job. That will be the end of Egypt for us.

    I can't wait to hear how your project goes - have fun, get dirty!


    Oh, just on a side we were studying all the egyptian gods my ds said "I sure am happy we worship the one true God." God is good!
  14. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    That face mask sounds fun! I found a face mask idea too---but it involved papier mache (sp??) and stuff. I may do that for my 11-yo ds, but the one with beans sounds better for my 2nd grader. What beans are you using? Did you paint them blue and gold or something? I think she'd like that, and my 6th grader would feel good being "Old enough" to do a project his sister is not old enough for. KWIM? He does not lord it over her, but he likes knowing we know he's older and can handle more responsibility! :wink:

    I agree with you about waiting for that project. I'm sure my dd's will be done on a smaller scale than the boys' will. But they're certainly old enough now, so I need to get MYSELF motivated to get these projects ready and keep the flow going! :D

    Off to prepare.............
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I picked Rachael and her guest up from AWANAS last night to hear "MOM!!! MOH has FINALLY paid off!!!" Seems that during Counsel Time, they were divided into teams, and played a Bible Trivia game. One of the questions was "From whome were the Edomites descended?" The only two there that knew the answer were my daughter and her friend (who is just finishing up on MOH). And guess who's team won? So suddenly there's a renewed interest in history, LOL!
  16. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    That's GREAT! I LOVE seeing those kinds of things happen! There's a lady at church that asks my 11-yo Bible Trivia questions. She likes to try to stump him, but rarely succeeds. It's a fun game, and she told me she's never seen one his age with so much knowledge on Bible stuff! He loves knowing trivia and can really rattle info. off! He wants to be a pastor, so that kind of fun interaction with her encourages him even more! Our Bible History has just enthralled him, and helped him answer some of her questions! I just LOVE this history stuff!!!

    Actually, lately he's been saying he wants to be a missionary pastor doctor! High goals for him, yet we are encouraging him in what he wants to do. He loves science also, and just eats up the science books we're going through (A Beka). He asked (more like---begged!) to take the Greek offered on We just ordered it for him, so we'll see how that goes.

    I'm glad to hear that MOH is paying off, and it's good for the girls to see how they can use the info. they're learning and apply it to daily (or weekly) activities! YAHOO! :D
  17. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    What is MOH?
    The study sounds fun.
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    "The Mystery of History". It's a multi-volumed history text that is Biblically based. Volume 1 is from Creation to the Resurection. Volume 2 has just come out this year; am not sure the time period. The author, Linda Hobar, is currently working on Volume 3. She says by the time she's done, she'll be teaching her grandkids with it, LOL! One of the reasons I like it (other than the Biblical world view) is that you can use it with multi-age groups. She has activities divided into "Younger", "Middle", and "Older" students.
  19. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    MOH is good---If I had seen it before, I probably would have picked it. But I already invested in the SOTW (Story of the World) and the stuff from We like it though, so that's good!

    We FINALLY are finishing up Egypt! We did all of Egypt from all the periods. What fun we have had!!! I still have more stuff they could do, but we have just got to move on! We hhave to go back in time, as it were, and pick up where they left off. We have done Sargon and Abraham, Sarah and Isaac now. I was sick for a month plus, so we got behind on some things. The kids really are doing an admirable job of catching up. The Bible/History took the biggest hit during that time, since we had done so much. But we've been excited to get it back up and running, and have accomplished a lot of the newer info., while the final papier mache' stuff for the Egyptian tombs still is drying. We did a lot of things for that project!

    We'll soon be studying Joseph--that'll be fun! Hmmmm, so actually we AREN'T done with Egypt, but we'll move faster through that time. You should see our big on-the-wall timeline! It's neat seeing the progress as we add more things to it! I can hardly wait to see what all we'll have when we finish the ancients! That'll be pretty amazing!

    Where are you guys at in your history now? I'm sure you're all way past where we are! 8)
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    We've just had Israel taken into Captivity. I think our next lesson is Hezekiah and Senacharib. We're almost done with Semester One, which is good because I was planning on taking two yeaers to go through it. Many on the MOH board combines SOTW and MOH. I also bought History Through the Ages Timeline figures; am not sure I would if I had to do it again. We've added so much to our timeline from Google Images, etc.

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