DR. PHIL Anti-HomeSchool Show is on TODAY!

Discussion in 'Homeschooling in the News' started by JenniferErix, Nov 24, 2006.

  1. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    On in about 20 mintues, here.
    (Some cities run it at different times)

    4PM Eastern
    3PM central

    NBC (Whatever local channel that is for you.)
    Dr. Phil

    I will watch, because I want to be able to form my own oppinions about it.

    Just posting this to help remind anyone who wishes to see it as well.

    I will record it, if you want to see it, but you will need high speed internet to view it. Just let me know and I will send it to you.

  3. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Thanks for the reminder. I was watching Rachel Ray and will turn it to Dr. Phil in about 10 min. Thanks again
  4. rhassinger

    rhassinger New Member

    Sep 2, 2006
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    I wouldn't mind reading a summary after it's done. (The TV is rarely used at our house, and when it is it's either playing educational DVDs or it's tuned to PBS.)
  5. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I will write my personal review in a bit. I need to recover after loosing my voice from screaming at the TV.......

    P.S. I did record it, though.....
  6. TxSandMom

    TxSandMom New Member

    Jun 23, 2005
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    Last edited: Jul 26, 2007
  7. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Dunno. I honestly think they reacted to the outcry against the show. (Not the topic, but the one-sidedness of it) and "Hid" the show on a day when folks were most likely, shopping, sleeping, eating or watching, as your were, football. You know?

    I did record it and will have the show in sections ready in a bit. This way if you want to see it, you can see it yourself and make up your own mind, of course.

    I came away not feeling like it was an all out atack. It felt more like I was watching mostly publicly educated people talk about homeschooling while not really learning anything about it. I also think this will probably fall right of the radar and drop off.

    Other wise, it would have been shown on a monday and not a basic holiday.
  8. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I'd like to see it Jen I didn't see this till too late. I can't wait to get internet at my own house!
  9. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Okay so I got home from my parents just in time to see the last 30 mins or so and I have to agree. It wasn't positive at all but it wasn't quite as bad as what I was expecting. My husband and I were both screaming at the TV!! I am so thankful my husband is supportive - actually things like this reinforce the fact that we are doing the right thing.
  10. kristen1nv

    kristen1nv New Member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    I had mixed feelings about several things that they said. I agreed with some of what they said but disagreed with some of what they said. They did of course compare the extremes but I think someone stated here that they anticipated that. At first it was almost presented as if that was the only way to homeschool but then it was clarified a little bit. There were varying POV's on it. At the end his recap was suprising to say the least. I got upset a few times but that was to be expected.
  11. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I have the show recorded and broken into 7 parts. I am having difficulty posting them. But I am working on it.

    However, I have a nephews B-Day party to attend today. So, please give me some time, and I will have this up for you.

    I still find it hard to believe that a man with a BA an MA and a PHd in Clinical Phsycology could not find (Or was too lazy to research) the truth about modren day homeschooling options and realities. That made me question his credentials, but more so, his motives. KWIM?

    Also, it is a hard fact of life that MOST people of MEANS do NOT send their children to Public School. Anymore than they would be caught in a Public Restroon. In fact many people that I have met, who home educate, do so because the public schools are not good enough, but they cannot afford affluent prep schools... (Only 33% of Home Educators site religion as the main factor. :HSLDA)

    Interesting fact....
    Dr Phil went to school when kids looked like the BEAVER. And his children went to PREP SCHOOL. So I feel his views of Public School are a bit skewed, to say the least. How can he possibly comment on the conditions that inner city kids have to deal with?

    A quote from his web site: "Jay, (His oldest son) after scoring two touchdowns in the 8th grade at Cisterian Prep School." Yea, Prep School!

    Off to wrap a present!
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2006
  12. vantage

    vantage Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    I went to the Dr. Phil website just now. They dont stream the show, or at least I did not find it. I did watch his "uncencored" video clip on the subject.

    It seemed that he is lumping all homeschoolers in with unschoolers. He then jumps from the idea of having schooling and the structure it brings to the idea of having to job candidates in front of him, one with a college degree and the other without.

    He then goes on and then seemingly contradicts himeself by stating that education is not as nearly as great a predictor of success as high intellegence.

    Does this mean that an unschooled kid with a high IQ has a better chance than the PS educated student with an IQ that falls near median.

    Overall, it seems that the show was put together to touch nerves.

    I am not real big on the unschooling idea as it is presented in its most extreme form. I do feel that all teaching methods of various subjects can be complemented by allowing some student lead learning. AFterall why would one want to stop a kid that was on a roll and really starting to "get it" simply for the sake of discipline and structure.

    In the real world, if one gets a job that is at least somewhat above entry level, there will be times when one really digs in and pulls an all nighter or pushes aside other tasks to accomplish another. Is this not similar to student lead learning jags. It seems that often this type of flexibility is an indication you are in a "better" job, or have earned the right to work unsupervised due to talent and competency.

    Overall it seems that the program was put together so as to press on the nerves of hsers, and validate those who do not.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2006
  13. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Apparently, he missed all of the "RESEARCH" that states that most colleges not only welcome homeschoolers, but actively recruit them, because they are the students that have proven that they can deal with conflict, work well with others, self-motivate and turn items in on time... (Those were his reasons for saying that he would likely not hire the homeschoolers verses the college graduate.)

    But again, why does he compare apples to oranges? Why can't a homschooler also be a college graduate?

    He is soooooo mistaken, and ignorant of the current truths of children whose parents choose to privately direct the education of their children. << (That's my feable attempt at talking about all forms of homeschooling in one shot! hahaha!)

    Ok ok ok I know.. I am leaving now....

    (Above link directs you to an article.. the article states: In 2006, the overwhelming majority of colleges and universities now have either a dedicated homeschool admissions officer or a homeschool admissions policy. In fact, since many colleges have experienced the quality of homeschoolers they often actively pursue homeschooled students.)
  14. AmyU

    AmyU New Member

    May 15, 2006
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    I didn't get to watch it and I really wanted to. Football was on here instead.
  15. Jeannie Davis

    Jeannie Davis New Member

    Nov 9, 2006
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    Jennifer, did you manage to get the show recorded and posted. I forgot all about it and I REALLY wanted to see it. We only had that day to rake and burn leaves. ARGH! Let me know if you have it streamed yet so I can download them.

  16. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Hey there.

    I am working on it, hon. SOrry. I recorded them on the computer at too high of quality and it means the files (7 of them) are taking forever to process. Plus, they are too large to post through you tube. SO I am trying to cut them all in two...

    I have not forgotten!
  17. AmyU

    AmyU New Member

    May 15, 2006
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    thanks Jen, waiting patiently here.
  18. kachelsi

    kachelsi New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Here is the link i found for anyone that would like to dispute what was said on the Dr. Phil show and bring their opinion on homeschool to light. It is asking for people who think homeschooling is the way to go and would like to be on the show. I hope I got that info straight if I dont its in the link http://www.drphil.com/plugger/respond/?plugID=10527
  19. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I watched the show because of hearing about it in here someplace. I found that it leaned towards not a good idea but it focused on UNschooling as seperate from Home schooling in traditions. I think it actually showed some good situations in homeschooling itself.... Of course the people in the audience that they chose were not your typical people either.
    I hope I don't offend anyone here when I say I don't do my schooling that way, unschooling. I teach as a teacher would, as that is what my calling is. Even my hubby said to me last night after listening to me talk about the kids I am subbing with this month, "You are a teacher, listen to you!" I felt like DUH YA? What have I been doing all my life here? Lol. But back to the focus of the program, I think the media portrays home school as they see it.
    Too many of us allow it to be a certain amount of people and type of people showing off as home schoolers and I think the majority of us are homeschooling in our own traditionalized walys.
    I think this because when we are asked about our schedules , we actualy can come up with them.
    When we are asked about what we use to teach, we know what we are teaching our children, what subject we are focused the most on at any given time.
    Those are the things that we need to get out there to the main stream. Don't ya think?
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Yes, I think you're right in many ways. I think most of us have a schedule of some kind. Whether we actually STICK to it is another matter, lol, but I never stuck to my plans when I was in the classroom either! At the same time, I don't think any of us here that don't "unschool" would look down on families that did. We need to stand by their right to educate their children as THEY see fit.

    As far as sending a reply, there's no way I would. I would under no circumstances be willing to appear on the show, especially after hearing the manipulation that went on the first time. I do not believe that Dr. Phil would give homeschoolers the opportunity to present a fair representation.
  21. kachelsi

    kachelsi New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    I have no desire to reply or go on the show either, but didnt know if someone here would like to. I just feel so blessed to have the right to home school my dd. I know the Lord laid homeschool on my heart and this is His plan for my family. I am also very grateful and blessed that I dont have to explain to the media public or anyone else why I homeschool, what method I choose etc.. etc.. I follow the laws for my state and I do not worry what tom, jane, joe, whoever thinks about my decision I do not have to answer to them. I do not feel the need to debate for people to agree with my decision to homeschool because what is good for my house may not be for theirs. It is easier for me to remeber who I answer to and who holds me accountable and that is my Jesus.

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