I'm lost....

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Autumnleavz, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. Autumnleavz

    Autumnleavz New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    I have no idea what I want to do this semester. I have realized that I'm a curriculum junkie...or a curriculum hopper. I'm very quick to jump to the next thing. But I'm wondering if that might be hurting the kids in the long run.

    I am switching to SOS next year because I honestly believe it will be a better fit for us. But for this semester I'm ready to move on. We're doing an eclectic mix of workbooks right now and it seems to be working but I guess I'm just bored with it.

    We were doing the workbooks because of dh's daily dr. appointments, but in 3 weeks (crossing fingers) we'll be finished with that. So we will have more time during the day to focus on school instead of just "getting it done".

    My dilemma is that someone gave me a couple of Konos books and I am thinking that would be something fun for us to do, especially since next year we're going to SOS which means less teaching time together. BUT if what we're doing is working (even if I'm just bored) then should I switch it????? Or should I just bite my lip and carry on?????
  3. AussieMum

    AussieMum New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    Are the kids bored?

    Have you asked their opinions?
  4. learningnest

    learningnest New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    I too am a curriculum junkie! Although I've found a few things I absolutely love to use (ex: math u see) -- I get more joy from finding the curriculum than actually using it! LOL! *shhh - don't tell my husband!*

    I have the Konos curriculum as well. It is one of my favorite curricula - although we don't use it. :) This is mainly due to the prep time involved. It is very hands on and does require quite a bit of prep work to implement it effectively. So- all that to say, I think you have to look at the amount of prep time you have and the resource materials the lessons require and see if it fits with your life.
  5. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Autumn, honey, I'd have to say if it's working for the kids and they're not bored with it, stick with it and just change next year as you've planned. If you're the bored one, and the kids are fine, just find something else for YOU to do! Maybe it could be a special project you could ADD to what they're doing, extra supplementation of some sort, expanding on what they're doing but something that could be dropped if it started to "take over". Maybe it would be making up/adapting some games that would be educational but fun? Maybe crafts projects? Field trips? I dunno -
  6. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    if its not broken dont fix it!
  7. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I, too, was a curriculum junkie. Tossed by every wind of curriculum from friends. I was doing one thing, all my friends another...I'd feel guilty, or it looked like i wasn't doing enough, waaah....switch. Then they'd switch. Then I'd feel guilty. Try something new and different.

    I've been doing this for 5 years. Almost 6.

    This year is the FIRST YEAR that I refuse to change b/c something else might look appealing. I'm loving it, my kids are loving it, and we're having fun...enjoying each other and they are learning. That's ALL that matters in the long run. Are my kids loving it? ARe they learning?

    I agree that if your kids are liking it, don't switch just to switch b/c you're bored. BUT, if your kids are bored too, then go for it.

    You will eventually find what you love, what they love, and you won't switch anymore! :D
  8. goodnsimple

    goodnsimple New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Autumn. We should start a club....or maybe a self help group. I too am not sure I could ever be faithful to one curriculum. sigh.
    I am trying to figure out my "teaching" style...and fit it in with my boys "learning" styles...thats all...I could stick with one curriculum any time I wanted...if it was the right one...and he treated me right...oh wait, I mean It worked well. hmmmmm. (I would like to point out that I have stuck with Saxon for 2 years now!!)
    I am looking at doing a total switch up, to living books. and Unit studies...but that wouldn't work well with all the Dr. visits. (well the books would...but not the activities) So I think sticking with the workbooks is probably a good idea. You could get new workbooks here in 3 weeks...something fun maybe? Or like Lindina said, just doing a new project for you...Like get a good book about something related to what the kids are doing and make a mini unit study. Like do Farmer boy and make popcorn and put it in the milk...my kids love that experiment but they wouldn't eat the soggy popcorn. Or hook the dog to the sled and see if you can teach him to pull it. (depends on the dog...we had a samoyed that would pull a skateboard for miles!!!) Just teaching a pet anything would illustrate the work that Almonzo put into his calf. that sort of thing. I bet you could even come up with things to take along to the Dr.'s.
  9. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Hey you guys its okay to change currics, just make sure you are not taking away what they are getting, or enjoying learning with, it could cauuse them to dislike learning new things.
    I have added and subtracted as I go through the years, some things stay all year and some we fade out of and pull back in from time to time.. mostly if I paid for it we do it!
    my kids have learned not to waste things and that they have to do what I have given them as a taske through this.
    So.. to my dont fix it thing I will add, if it is boring, try to beef it up but if its working, dont trade it just yet, look ahead and see whats there make notes etc but dont remove something that is working okay.
    IF you the teacher is bored, but the student is not, then its okay!
    Just let them do the work for a while and work on the next project on your list!
    Be happy that they are happy!

    I love changing things too but sometimes I have to tell myself what I just said up there, hes enjoying the work so I wont remove it!
  10. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    I am glad I am not alone. I feel that I have realized my addiction. I too, buy a lot and use very little. Partly because my son is not academically minded like I am. So what appeals to me-does not appeal to him.

    I think that it is OK to switch sometimes, but don't do it just because of boredom. Also, I would suggest that you try one subject first with SOS and see how you like it. I have never used it but I have heard mixed reviews. I have used lifepacs before and it did not work well at all for us. Or, maybe if someone else you know uses it-maybe your kids could preview and see what they think before the investment of a lot of money.

    I think it is good to switch if the kids are frustrated and overwhelmed or just plain not learning even with sincere effort. I have had to do that with my son. His history grade with textbook learning was one of his lowest, even though he loves history and honestly knows more than I do. So I am going a living book route (or at least trying it out). I wish there was a curriculum fairy who could say, "Poof, there it is- The perfect curriculum for you child. Use this and you will have no problems."
  11. Autumnleavz

    Autumnleavz New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    Oh wow! I feel such a connection! :D I really know what you mean about the thing that you'd like not appealing to them. I would love, love, LOVE to teach them the classical method! But are you kidding me, my son would be on the floor crying that I hate him and why was he ever born in the first few hours! I tried incorporating some but it didn't work out.....and I sadly let that dream of mine go!

    But I don't THINK they're bored. Of course I can't ask because they'll say yes just to try something new regardless of whether they'd like it better or not.

    I think besides my boredom I've been constantly on the look out for that miracle curriculum that will just make my son want to jump from the bed to the table with pencil in hand and declare how much he loves work and beg for it every day enthusiastically (kind of like dd does, lol). But I've come to the realization....sigh...that that isn't going to happen either. He's just not into school work. I'm willing to give SOS a go next year because I think that will work closest with his desires and abilities. But I still don't expect it to be something he's going to love to do.

    so....having said that....I think we'll just hang in there with what we're doing for now and I'm going to TRY MY HARDEST (darn it!) to stick with this one! I think I'll just take that "extra" time from not having dr. appointments to do more fun stuff instead. Finally give the art lessons I've been wanting to, maybe do some 'home ec' type sewing lessons and stuff like that.

    Okay....deep breaths...I can do it! I can do it! Thanks ladies!
  12. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Ok - I will be HAPPY to join a support group for this issue ;)

    If you WANT to do living books - I really do suggest Ambleside with the yahoogroups that have the printable pages. Use that and audiobooks and I think you'll do just fine - even with Dr's appointments.

    But thinking about it..... my kids LIKE working in workbooks! Yeah I know - weird kids..... but it also helps me. Do I get bored with it? YEP - but then my husband points out to me (and again ladies and gents - don't tell him I admit he's right) that if the KIDS like it and are getting something out of it - then it is working - I'M not the one taking the classes. Yeah I know - he occasionally has good ideas.

    Alexis LOVES the Seton workbooks and religion is her favorite subject.... why you ask??? Because it labels the pages at the top "Week 1 Day 1 etc" Some of the other ones are labeled like that as well - but it's not the content - it's the fact it tells her when to STOP :) LifePacs don't do that which is why she was "ehhhhh" with them.

    Jacob is well.....a boy. But he sees the 2 older girls with "homework" and wants that - so he LIKES his textbooks and his workbooks and complaining about writing assignments (only because the older girls complain about that).

    Me? I want to just sit and read all the old classics!!! I'd be peachy with that and traveling!! Oh and I like math - so we can do that as well too ;)
  13. Sue May

    Sue May New Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Sounds like you figured out a plan. Sounds like a good plan.

    If you want to do KONOS, beware. It can take a lot of prep time. I would spend hours, days, weeks during the summer and hours every week during the school year preparing. I worked through all three of the KONOS books (these are the older books and not the topic/character trait books that I think they now make) with three other families. It took six years. The experience was wonderful. At the time, my daughter was an only child and I had the time and unlimited amount of energy to spend. I tried using KONOS with my son, but he was not interested.

    I kept all of the "old" curriculum that was used with my daughter in hopes that it will be used with my son. I have found that I am bored with the "old" stuff and want to try new things. It sure would be cheaper using the same "old" stuff but a lot more boring.
  14. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    I used to be a curriculum junkie too. But this year $$ is super tight and I made a decision that I was going to make what we are using work.. And it is.. The kids are learning more this year and I'm a little happier because i don't have the guilt of changing things all the time and worrying that they are going to miss something...

    What I decided to do in order to make sure that things are working for us is this, I purchased a cheap journal from the dollar store and as I'm going over the kids work each day I write down ideas that I think will help with the next lesson or leave myself little notes on things that need to be worked on..We have a very eclectic style with a Charlotte Mason flair so sometimes I have to search the internet to find something that will help with the next lessons.Not often though. It takes a little more time but I'm a lot happier this way.. And I haven't wanted to switch at all this year.. Sometimes I just use the journal the way it was intended and write my feelings about the day. If I have a bad day I can use the journal to vent in instead of to my hubby. He was getting tired of hearing it.

    I have 4 kids and it's hard to keep my thoughts straight about who needs to work on what without writing it down. Anyhow, that's what works for me. It keeps me motivated. Also I find that not doing every single subject every day helps with the monotony. Hope this helps somewhat..
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2010
  15. goodnsimple

    goodnsimple New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    I keep a journal too...not really very consistantly but it is interesting to go back and see what was or was not working a year ago.
    I also write a plan before the year starts for each child and a review at the end of the year. That way I can be pretty concrete about what is working. Not just "feelings"
  16. Autumnleavz

    Autumnleavz New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    gns...I can tell that we've made a lot of progress over the course of the year. The kids are reading much better. I feel like we're making progress with what we're doing. If anything, the reading is the most important. They still need improvement but I can tell that just since August they've made leaps and bounds in that area.

    The most important other than that is their math because they're not "where they are supposed to be", which I personally wouldn't care about (I'm happy we make progress period), but we do have end of year tests, so we have to be able to pass those.

    Anyhow....I'm taking deep breaths! not buying anything (I don't have the extra money to spend anyway, which meant I would have had to try to sell things to come up with the money). But I'm actually excited about starting back tomorrow. Just hope the kids are!
  17. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I would pick things from Konos and do what you want. You really do not have to do all one or all of the other.
  18. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Don't sweat the math on the CAT test!! It's not nearly as difficult as most think. Jake was bored and guessed at 1/2 of them and still scored in the 85%. Alexis did the 3rd grade test in about 30 minutes tops.
  19. Autumnleavz

    Autumnleavz New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    We've not even hardly started on multiplication though (and ds is 3rd grade), so I'm worried about that more than anything. Maybe I'll order the cat now and just do it for the fun of it. If it passes then hey, I can go ahead and send it in without worries. :p

    Was there a lot of mult. on the test?????
  20. meandmy4kids

    meandmy4kids New Member

    Nov 16, 2009
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    I would maybe start him on multiplication soon. I was so afraid my Dd wouldn't get it but too my suprise, she is a whiz at it.
    I decided that we will master mult.. in 3rd and then we will start division in 4th. We do CLE math and she will only get 1/2 way thru level 300 this year.
    I'm fine with this cuz she really struggled with math last year and we did alot of hoping around (which caused problems). But this year, she is doing awesome and as long as she improves her score on the spring testing, I'm good with that.
    When she was ending her 2nd grade year in math, she scored like she was in her 3rd month of 1st grade.
    That was a horrible shocker to me and I was so mad at myself for not teaching her better.
    I finally buckeled down this year.
    Good luck.

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