Prayers for Babyboy

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by sloan127, Dec 14, 2007.

  1. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I was at the church wrapping presents for two kids from the church who weren't going to get anything and my sister came down the hall to tell me my daughter was on the phone. She is Babyboy's mother's best friend. She wanted to tell me that Babyboy's mother wanted to bring him to us for a while so she could be alone. She won't cry in front of him. He went to his hearing appointment this morning and the results are worse than we imagined. I still can't believe it but he is profoundly deaf in his left ear and his right ear is only slightly better. He is now wearing his aids at the highest setting so he can hear a loud boom or feel the door shutting hard. He can hear some still from the left ear so we will be constantly talking to him to keep building speech as long as his hearing lasts. We now have to consider sign language his first choice in language. That hit me hard. I should have tried to learn more these last two years but we let ourselves believe this day would never come. Everyone kept saying work on speech and it became easy to pretend and put it to the back of our minds that even a hard sneeze could cause this. Now we will have to all work harder to learn to sign better. I am so sad and his mother is being so brave but she and I walked around to the prayer garden so he would not see us cry. He had a complete meltdown at the audiologist because he wanted his ear fixed and she wasn't fixing it. He knows she is the one who fixes his hearing aids when they need it. She cried because she couldn't help him. She wants to retest in two weeks even though she doesn't expect to see a change. We were totally blindsided by the news about the right ear. Right now Freddy has a Christmas CD turned up so loud it is killing the rest of us but he and Babyboy and Emily are dancing to the music. Freddy's so hurt by the news and this is his way of dealing with it. He loves music and can't stand the idea of Babyboy not being able to enjoy it too. I know I am rambling but this is a hard day for a grandparent and that is what we are to this child. Please continue to pray for our boy. We are so afraid he will lose the rest of his hearing. Thanks for your prayers for Bill too. He is fine so far today. God's blessings on you all. Beth
  2. SoonerMama

    SoonerMama New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    Oh, Beth! I am so sorry to hear that. You will all be in my prayers. Is something like an implant an option for him? I don't really know much about them but there is a mom in my group who recently found out that her 1 year old is deaf, and she is on the waiting list for an implant.
  3. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I don't even know this baby and I'm tearing up here. I can't even imagine what your heart feels like right now.

    I'm at a loss for words.

    Don't beat yourself up about the sign language. It will come. It's not a hard language to learn. And you'll be learning together. He can teach you what he already knows and you can learn the rest side by side. You'll all get through this. Somehow.
  4. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    His parents are afraid to let him have the cochlear implant because a friend's baby died having minor surgery last year. I don't know how I feel about it right now but I don't give advice unless they ask first. Then I would have to really know more about the whole thing. His mother went as far as watching the surgery on a video when he was younger but that was before the friend's little boy died. Freddy had a major breakdown right after we got home from the church and cried like a baby. He was playing music and dancing with Babyboy and suddenly came in the kitchen and just crumbled. I felt so bad for him but we have to be strong for our boy. We can't let him think he is causing us to feel sad. We sure don't want him to think he is broken or less than perfect because of this. Thanks for your prayers. We are going to try to get the Signing Time videos for him to keep here to watch. I have bid on them on Ebay but they are getting pretty high. I may not get this set but I will keep trying. Beth
  5. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    Beth I'm sorry to see that your little guy is getting worse in his hearing. I know its a big hurdle to get over for all of you.

    However don't get to overwhelmed with the E-bay thing, you prabably can check out some videos at the library too, and everything you see on e-bay (just about) will always come up again for action! so don't dispair if you don't win the first time.
  6. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Beth, be patient after Christmas they might go cheaper, everyone is trying to get last mintue shopping in. The girls and I will check garage sales and second hand stores down here after the holidays for you all. What kind are you all looking for?
  7. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Beth, I am sorry to hear about Babyboy's loss of hearing.
    More than anything, remember Jesus is the source of all hope. God has a plan for this little boy, although we may not see it now.
    I will keep him in prayer.
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Beth, somehow I missed the update. I am going to send you a PM, but I want to pray over it and find a quiet time to consider. Know that this precious little guy is very much loved by each of us. Be sure to tell his mom that all of us are praying for her dear son.
  9. SoonerMama

    SoonerMama New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    Beth, I am so sorry to hear about the friend's baby! That would make me very hesitant, too. I hope that there is something they can do to help him out. He is very blessed to have you and your family, and I can tell you guys have been blessed by him!
  10. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I am sorry to hear about just breaks my heart to think of him not being able to understand why the doctor can't fix his ear. I will be praying for him, you and his mother.
  11. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Oh Beth, that poor sweet soul. He is in my prayers.
  12. AmyU

    AmyU New Member

    May 15, 2006
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  13. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Poor sweet baby boy!
  14. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Oh my! This valley seems so deep! I'm praying that The Lily of the Valley will become even more precious to you during this part of your walk.

    Be assured that your little one is greatly cherished by his Creator. Once, when I was grieving over a life-long challenge one of our children has, our pastor's wife told me something that helped me. She said that God gives grace to each person in the measure that they need it, no matter how terrible their situation is. But He doesn't necessarily give the same measure of grace to the parents or others who love that person. He wants us to believe that He is meeting that person's needs and to surrender our desires to actually carry all of their burdens for them, as much as we want to. The way she said it was better than this. It really helped me to focus on the Lord and His goodness and trust that my dear one would be given every necessary thing to fulfill God's call on his life--not easy for me!

    I pray that hearing for Babyboy will be joyfully restored. If it is not, it's only because God's grace is greater... His love is more powerful...

    I'll also be praying for you and others who love him so deeply, because your task will be as painful as his. Much love and prayers, Prairie
  15. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Oh Beth, I cried when I read the update! I'm so sorry!

    There are lots of words of hope here! Just keep your eyes looking upward, and your faith strong! As Prairie said, God will work with Babyboy in the best way for him, and the rest will just have to believe that God is all-knowing and will comfort and support Babyboy and those closest to him!

    ((((((((BIG HUGS!))))))))

    Those hugs are for Babyboy, his mama, and you and your family! Please let her know that we are thinking about and praying for her and her child in this time!
  16. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Beth I am sitting here crying once again. I cried yesterday when Kris told me. I cried last night at dinner when I told hubby about babyboy.

    You all are in my thoughts and prayers!!! There is definately a plan for that little boy!!
  17. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Oh wow...I don't know what to say. I can't help but cry for this little boy and all who love him. It is just heartbreaking. I just pray for healing or if that is not God's will that this precious little boy adjusts quickly and easily.
  18. Flowerchild

    Flowerchild New Member

    Oct 25, 2007
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    Praying here, too.
  19. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Just to update you all on Babyboy. He went for his hearing test today. The doctor wanted to repeat the last test just to see what changes, if any, there might be. It doesn't seem possible but he has lost even more in his left ear and now his right ear has lost more. Today they decided to order him a set of Power Aids. I understand they are a more powerful set of hearing aids and the last ones available for him. The doctor has asked the parents to think about cochlear implants. They have been saying no, but may reconsider. I just don't know. His mom got an email from a lady who helped her learn what all he needed and how to get his tests and speech lessons all lined up when he was younger. That lady has a handicapped daughter and the lady left her job to take care of her daughter as she got worse. Today we learned that the child is getting hospice services and they don't expect her to live much longer. Maybe even a few more hours. That really made Babyboy's mama think. She has been very brave through all his problems except for a few breakdowns. Today she said, "my child is just deaf and sign language is a beautiful language." She is so right. Babyboy is a beautiful blessing in my life. He just happens to be deaf. I thank you all for praying for him. Beth
  20. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Thankyou for the update Beth! I will keep praying!

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